One Cent Thief is a 2022 Malaysian television drama series created and written by Alfie Palermo and directed by Ariff Zulkarnain. Starring Syafiq Kyle, Faizal Hussein, Azira Shafinaz, Fabian Loo, Aghonderan Sahadevan, Sofia Jane and Amerul Affendi, it is inspired by the true events that shocked Malaysia in the 1990s for successfully stealing one cent from each customer's account without being detected until it became millionaire. The series is produced under the Astro Originals brand and will premiere on four Astro channels from 8 October 2022.
as Iman Shah
as Shah Karim
as Intan
as Ash Lee
as Ibu Zara
as Devan
as Kadak
as Irene
as Dinesh
as Sathish
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Season 1
2022|8 Episodes
Tells the story of Iman Shah, a bank employee who is desperate to finance the cost of treatment and pay off his debt to an illegal ceti. Using his intelligence, he hacked the Bintang Bank system to steal a penny from each of the bank's customer accounts and managed to get a large sum of money.
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