Season 1
"Os Aspones" is a Brazilian television Comedy series that aired in 2004. It was created by Alexandre Machado and Fernanda Young. The program, which portrayed a group of white-collar workers at a governmental department lost in Brazilian bureaucracy in Brasília which actually has no function at all, starred Selton Mello, Andréa Beltrão, Pedro Paulo Rangel, Marisa Orth, Drica Moraes and Mário Schoemberger.The show's title is a Portuguese neologism formed from the phrase “assessor de porra nenhuma…
as Tales
as Leda Maria
as Anete
as Moira
as Caio
O Primeiro Dia 10.0
November 5, 2004
Everything starded as a joke...
O Segundo Dia 10.0
November 12, 2004
Intimacy is an issue...
O Grande Dia 10.0
November 19, 2004
It's the big day!
A Primeira Segunda 10.0
November 26, 2004
This is nuts!
O Mau Dia no Escritório 10.0
December 3, 2004
Don't cry cuz' it's too late!
A Crise das Terças 10.0
December 10, 2004
Thursday it's the crises day.
Paranóias de Escritório 10.0
December 17, 2004
It's the end.