Oshin is a Japanese serialized morning television drama, which aired on broadcaster NHK from April 4, 1983 to March 31, 1984. The series follows the life of Shin Tanokura during the Meiji period up to the early 1980s. Shin was called "Oshin", which is an archaic Japanese cognomen.
Ayako Kobayashi
as Oshin (6 to 10 years old)
Yuko Tanaka
as Oshin (16 to 46 years old)
Nobuko Otowa
as Oshin (50 to 84 years old)
Shirô Namiki
as Ryuzo
Oji Michio
as Naka
Yoshioka Yuichi
as Shoji
Watanabe Tomiko
as Riki
Kazuko Takamori
as Kiyo
Kanze Yoko
as Tsuneko
Yamano Reo
as Yuu