The first animated adaptation of the 1960s gag manga series, focusing on the adventures of the identical 10-year-old Matsuno sextuplets, led by the titular brother himself. Aside from the Matsunos, the series also showcases the tales of their rival Chibita, and the constantly job-switching conman Iyami.
Kazue Tagami
as Chibita
Midori Katō
as Osomatsu
Keiko Yamamoto
as Choromatsu
Setsuo Wakui
as Dekapan
Takako Sasuga
as Hatabou
Haruko Kitahama
as Ichimatsu
Mie Azuma
as Juushimatsu
Fuyumi Shiraishi
as Karamatsu
Mitsuko Asou
as Okaasan
Joji Yanami
as Otousan