Passíone is a Brazilian telenovela that originally aired on Rede Globo from May 05, 2010 to January 14, 2011. Is created and written by Sílvio de Abreu. The plot has the actors Fernanda Montenegro, Tony Ramos, Mariana Ximenes, Reynaldo Gianecchini, Carolina Dieckmann, Rodrigo Lombardi, Marcello Antony, Larissa Maciel, Werner Schünemann, Mayana Moura and Aracy Balabanian in the leading roles. Replacing Viver a Vida, it premiered in May 05, 2010 and ended its run in January 14, 2011 consisting of 209 episodes.
as Antonio Mattoli (Totó)
as Clara Miranda Medeiros
as Elizabete Monteiro Gouveia (Bete)
as Saulo Gouveia
as Frederico Lobato Filho (Fred)
as Gemma Mattoli
as Diana Rodrigues
as Mauro Santarém
as Melina Gouveia
as Gerson Gouveia