"The Shrunk Lambs: Hip-Hop Train Adventure" is an animated tale where a group of brave lambs embark on a mission to save the withering World Tree. They shrink in size, ride a hip-hop train, and face obstacles like raindrops and fallen leaves. With wit and courage, they overcome dangers, befriend insects, and outsmart the mischievous Big Big Wolf. Their resilience pays off as they successfully rejuvenate the World Tree, showcasing the power of teamwork and determination.
Qing Zu
as 喜羊羊
Ying Liang
as 懒羊羊,小灰灰
Hongyun Liu
as 沸羊羊,蜜蜂公主
Deng Yuting
as 暖羊羊,美羊羊,小星星
Quansheng Gao
as 慢羊羊,蜗捕快
Lin Zhang
as 灰太狼
Na Zhao
as 红太狼,小蚂哥
Tuan Li
as 蛛正义,甲虫长老