Plim Plim, Hero´s heart, is an Argentine animated television series created by Que Lindo Entertaiment and Smilehood, broadcast on Disney Junior for all Latin America. The pre-release was aired on September 21, 2011 and was officially launched on October 1 of the same year. This animated series consists of 7-minute-long episodes and its main goal is to promote human values such as solidarity, honesty, responsibility, early habits and respect for the environment. This series is inspired from and based on the teachings of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar the founder of Art of Living Foundation.
Natalia Pupato
as Acuarella / Bam
Judith Cabral
as Mei-Li
Natalia Rosminati
as Nesho / Plim Plim
Valeria Gómez
as Hoggie
Lucila Gómez
as Arafa