Preamar is an original series created for the Brazilian branch of the HBO Latin America. The series was produced by HBO's local partner, Pindorama Filmes. It first aired on May 6, 2012, being broadcast on Sundays at 9 O'clock pm. The plot of the series explores the environment of the informal trade that exists on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, which, according to series production, generates about $ 7 billion per year.
Hugo Bonemer
as Frederico Velasco
Thaíssa Carvalho
as Mariana
Leonardo Franco
as João Ricardo Velasco
Paloma Riani
as Maria Isabel
Roberto Bonfim
as Xerife
Jessika Alves
as Manu
Paulo Reis
as Decio
Eliana Pittman
as Da Guia
Laura Prado
as Pri