Season 1 poster

Season 1



Mostafa Zamani as Prophet Joseph
Mostafa Zamani

as Prophet Joseph

Katayoun Riahi as Zuleikha
Katayoun Riahi

as Zuleikha

Mahmoud Pakniat as Prophet Jacob
Mahmoud Pakniat

as Prophet Jacob

Rahim Norouzi as Akhenaten
Rahim Norouzi

as Akhenaten

Jahanbakhsh Soltani as Amenhotep III
Jahanbakhsh Soltani

as Amenhotep III

Jafar Dehghan as Potiphar
Jafar Dehghan

as Potiphar

Seyed Reza Razavi as Horemheb
Seyed Reza Razavi

as Horemheb

Abbas Amiri as Ankh Mahoo
Abbas Amiri

as Ankh Mahoo

Ala Mohseni as Ninifer Kibta
Ala Mohseni

as Ninifer Kibta

Ardalan Shojakave as Gabriel
Ardalan Shojakave

as Gabriel

Elham Hamidi as Asenath
Elham Hamidi

as Asenath

Leila Bolukat as Akhenaten's Wife
Leila Bolukat

as Akhenaten's Wife


Episode 1 poster

Episode 1 7.0

August 22, 2009

The noble Prophet Jacob preaches the message of monotheism to a polytheistic nation whilst a drought further accelerate…

Episode 2 poster

Episode 2 7.0

August 23, 2009

Rachel bears the pain of pregnancy as Jacob and his entourage closely support her. An incident occures in Ca'naan that …

Episode 3 poster

Episode 3 8.0

August 24, 2009

The family are still reeling from recent events with the macabre reality of death overshadowing the blessing of birth. …

Episode 4 poster

Episode 4 8.0

August 25, 2009

Faeghe schemes to gain further custody of Joseph. Some time afterward Joseph has a dream which proves to have ambiguous…

Episode 5 poster

Episode 5 7.0

August 26, 2009

Jacob awakens from a startling nightmare which he hesitantly attributes to his sons. Conversely Joseph has a pleasant b…

Episode 6 poster

Episode 6 7.0

August 27, 2009

Jacob finally allows Joseph to accompany their brothers to the plains. But will they uphold their promise to their fath…

Episode 7 poster

Episode 7 0.0

August 28, 2009

Led by Judah the fraternity return to their father with the feigned testimony regarding Josephs disappearance. Despite …

Episode 8 poster

Episode 8 0.0

August 29, 2009

A trading caravan happen upon the well where Joseph is located and a power play immediately ensues between the merchant…

Episode 9 poster

Episode 9 0.0

August 30, 2009

Members of the caravan witness sequential signs of Joseph and are taken aback by his cultivating beauty and innocence. …

Episode 10 poster

Episode 10 0.0

August 31, 2009

A competitive auction bidding takes place to win the services of Joseph. The Kings advisor Potiphar makes his presence …

Episode 11 poster

Episode 11 0.0

September 1, 2009

Queen Zuleikha entrusts her treasured gift to the palace chamberlain, Honifer. Soon he is given an extended excursion i…

Episode 12 poster

Episode 12 0.0

September 2, 2009

More political and religious intrigue finds it's way to the royal court as Joseph is promoted within the household. Jac…

Episode 13 poster

Episode 13 0.0

September 3, 2009

Zuleikha educates Joseph regarding the rituals and customs of Egypt. Another idol by the name of Amun, revered by the p…

Episode 14 poster

Episode 14 0.0

September 4, 2009

Joseph continues his training with Rodomon and his rapid improvement leaves a lasting mark on the Egyptian nobles. An a…

Episode 15 poster

Episode 15 0.0

September 5, 2009

Joseph officially supersedes the late Honifer as the Palace Chamberlain. Zuleikha's tries to take her mind off him by d…

Episode 16 poster

Episode 16 0.0

September 6, 2009

Lady Zuleikha and Joseph's odd behaviour arouses Potiphars suspicions. Her obsession with Joseph spirals out of control…

Episode 17 poster

Episode 17 0.0

September 7, 2009

The ramifications of recent events are felt throughout Egypt with the Temple monks vying for an opportunity to ruin the…

Episode 18 poster

Episode 18 0.0

September 8, 2009

The Sovereign Bishop hires one of Amuns most loyal worshippers for a deadly assignment. Potiphar desperately tries to q…

Episode 19 poster

Episode 19 0.0

September 9, 2009

After being fettered and chained, Joseph crosses the threshold of the Prison and stumbles upon a familiar face. The inm…

Episode 20 poster

Episode 20 0.0

September 10, 2009

Kimonyee tries to infiltrate Zavira Prison in order to get close to an associate. Potiphar brutually interrogates Apopi…

Episode 21 poster

Episode 21 0.0

September 11, 2009

Fate brings a travelling Canaanite to the outskirts of Egypt where he meets unbeknownst to him Joseph, son of Jacob. Ni…

Episode 22 poster

Episode 22 0.0

September 12, 2009

Lady Zuleikha obstinately sends Karimama to parley with Joseph. The monks are summoned ro King Imonhotep's Palace and a…

Episode 23 poster

Episode 23 0.0

September 13, 2009

Almost 3 days after the dream interpretations, the inevitable reality soon comes to pass. It is implied God allows the …

Episode 24 poster

Episode 24 0.0

June 5, 2009

An official coronation to crown the new Pharaoh takes place. Soon after he has an eerie dream which causes him to seek …

Episode 25 poster

Episode 25 0.0

June 12, 2009

Pharaoh Imonhotep IV commands the "Ebrani slave" be brought to him for an assembly but is denied until he probes a past…

Episode 26 poster

Episode 26 0.0

June 19, 2009

The mystical dream interpreters are pitted against Joseph in a bid to finally put the matter to bed and give some closu…

Episode 27 poster

Episode 27 0.0

June 26, 2009

The ultimate test of a lifetime begins in Egypt as the unified citizens rally behind Joseph. Anekmaho is irate by his s…

Episode 28 poster

Episode 28 0.0

July 3, 2009

Joseph takes the first initiative to preserve Egypts interests by readjusting the economic and agricultural system in t…

Episode 29 poster

Episode 29 0.0

July 10, 2009

The Temple monks resort to perilous strategies to strip Joseph of his power and consolidate the dominion of Amun. The P…

Episode 30 poster

Episode 30 0.0

July 17, 2009

A substitute for the late Ninifer Keptah wastes little time in going after Joseph. However Joseph remains steadfast and…

Episode 31 poster

Episode 31 0.0

July 24, 2009

5 years have passed since Joseph first made the prediction and consequently the nobility assume further confidence in h…

Episode 32 poster

Episode 32 0.0

July 31, 2009

Joseph returns to Thebes amidst a welcoming crowd and immediately visits the King. He and his wife afterwards present J…

Episode 33 poster

Episode 33 0.0

August 7, 2009

Signs for the onset of the famine appear throughout Egypt, whilst Joseph resumes serving the people. Senior citizens of…

Episode 34 poster

Episode 34 0.0

August 14, 2009

Neighbouring countries of Egypt arrive to buy wheat as they are too famine-stricken. Malek intends to announce the name…

Episode 35 poster

Episode 35 0.0

August 21, 2009

Horenhop and Rodamon return to Egypt with tales of war. Joseph, now happily married with children advocates monotheism …

Episode 36 poster

Episode 36 0.0

August 28, 2009

The Temple monks amusingly organize an open buffet for the remaining servants of Amun in order to rally them for retrib…

Episode 37 poster

Episode 37 0.0

September 4, 2009

The children of Jacob set out from Ka'naan with their fathers blessing whilst Joseph still yearns for a reunion with hi…

Episode 38 poster

Episode 38 0.0

September 11, 2009

Joseph entertains his guests and notices a brother absent from the company. Zuleikha praises the God of Joseph and cons…

Episode 39 poster

Episode 39 0.0

September 18, 2009

The monotheists have made the temple a place of worship for the people of the one god. Zuleika is noticed after calling…

Episode 40 poster

Episode 40 0.0

September 25, 2009

Zuleikha refuses to see Joseph citing her devotional solitude and service to God as her reasons. The Israelites return …

Episode 41 poster

Episode 41 0.0

October 2, 2009

The sons of Jacob cautiously approach the gates of Egypt heeding their fathers advice to split up and enter different c…

Episode 42 poster

Episode 42 0.0

October 9, 2009

Joseph uses a past experience to inspire a ploy to claim Benjamin as his own. The brothers however, refuse to leave Egy…

Episode 43 poster

Episode 43 0.0

October 16, 2009

With renewed purpose and conviction Jacob sends his sons back to Egypt to confront Egypt's dear advisor and retrieve in…

Episode 44 poster

Episode 44 0.0

October 23, 2009

The children of Israel are reunited with Joseph after many decades and are overwhelmed by the the treatment of their lo…

Episode 45 poster

Episode 45 0.0

October 30, 2009

The epic story of Joseph comes to an emotional end as Jacob is finally reunited with his most beloved after more than 3…