The story centers around the first-year student Mana Shikimiya as she pursue her dreams of winning at the Prism Stage, the competition that determines the top middle-school idol.
Yuki Sorami
as Hasegawa Mii
Meemu Tachibana
as Hiiragi Kae
Yuka Iwahashi
as Honjou Kasumi
Amane Makino
as Shikimiya Mana
Natsumi Yamada
as Bandou Mikuru
Rika Abe
as Hokaze Kanade
Juri Nagatsuma
as Himura Nagisa
Masumi Tazawa
as Ichikishima Mizuha
Akari Kito
as Tsukisaka Sayu
Tomoyo Takayanagi
as Haeno Akari