Rosetta: The Masked Angel is a Japanese tokusatsu drama that aired from July 4 to September 26, 1998 on TV Tokyo. It featured the adventures of a young girl named Asuka who follows in her father's footsteps as Rosetta to battle evil monsters called Duats. The series' motif was that of Ancient Egypt.
Rei Yoshii
as Asuka Jin / Rosetta
Takeshi Sasaki
as Boss Daimonji
Yuriko Hishimi
as Leader Yasuno
Tetsuya Ushio
as Kenichiro Jin / Pharaon
Shigeri Higuchi
as Atsuko Jin
Sugawara Akiko
as Natsumi Kudō
Ayako Honda
as Midori Fujisaki
Ryu Kano
as Jō