Samurai Gun is a manga series written and illustrated by Kazuhiro Kumagai and serialized in Weekly Young Jump. It was adapted into a 13-episode anime series directed by Hideki Sonoda. The anime is licensed in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Germany by ADV Films, which co-financed the series' production. There has been no announcement of the manga being translated into the English language. As the title suggests, it features samurai using guns.
Showtaro Morikubo
as Ichimatsu
Kazuya Nakai
as Matsuzaki
Katsuyuki Konishi
as Daimon
Hisao Egawa
as Lord Kozan
Minori Chihara
as Ohana
Masaki Terasoma
as Kaishuu Katsu
Tomokazu Sugita
as Wagashira
Keiji Hirai
as Toku
Kousuke Okano
as Masa
Mai Nakahara
as Mitsu