Seabert is an animated television series from 1985. It was created by BZZ films in Paris and originally aired in French before being translated into different languages around the world. In the United States, the show aired on HBO starting in 1987. There were 26 episodes (x 2 segments). The author is Marc Tortarolo for the theme, Philippe Marin for the design and Jacques Morel and Eric Turlot for the stories.
as Aura
as Tommy
as Graphite
as Carbonne
as Sulfuric
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Season 1
1985|52 Episodes
Seabert was about a boy named Tommy, an Inuit girl named Aura, and their "pet" whitecoat seal Seabert. After Seabert's parents are killed by hunters, the three banded together. They go on adventures in which they encounter more hunters and poachers and save various animals from harm.
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