Season 1 poster

Season 1



This is the story of a world whose territories and own frontiers were built by the slave trade. A world where violence, subjugation and profit imposed their routes. The history of slavery did not begin in the cotton fields. It is a much older tragedy, that has been going on since the dawn of humanity. From the VIIth century on, and for over 1,200 years, Africa was the epicenter of a gigantic traffic of human beings traversing the entire globe. Nubian, Fulani, Mandinka, Songhai, Susu, Akan, Yoru…



476-1375: Beyond the Desert poster

476-1375: Beyond the Desert 0.0

April 29, 2018

In 476 AD, Rome fell under the pressure of barbarian invasions. On the ruins of the Roman Empire, the Arabs founded an …

1375-1620: For All the Gold in the World poster

1375-1620: For All the Gold in the World 0.0

April 29, 2018

At the end of the Middle Ages, Europe opened up to the world and discovered that it was at the margins of the main area…

1620 -1789: From sugar to rebellion poster

1620 -1789: From sugar to rebellion 0.0

April 29, 2018

XVIIth century. The Atlantic has become the battlefield of the sugar war. French, English, Dutch and Spaniards fought f…

1789-1888: Slavery's new frontiers poster

1789-1888: Slavery's new frontiers 0.0

April 29, 2018

In London, Paris and Washington, the abolitionist movement was gathering momentum. After the slave rebellion in Santo D…