A stop motion animated Star Wars series, created by fans and Lucasfilm, to introduce the new Rogue One action figures from Tongal. The shorts follow the Rogue One character’s adventures throughout the galaxy as they battle the Empire.
Jennifer Green
as Jyn Erso (voice)
Henry Su
as Chirrut Îmwe (voice)
Greg Lush
as Technician/Stormtroopers (voice)
Jason Douglas
as Orson Krennic (voice)
J. Michael Tatum
as Cassian Andor (voice)
Christopher Sabat
as K-2SO/Stormtroopers (voice)
Ian Sinclair
as Bodhi Rook/LEGO Stormtroopers (voice)
Bruce Dubose
as Baze Malbus (voice)
Jim Foronda
as Stormtrooper Commander/TK-XXL/Stormtroopers (voice)
Jiang Wen
as Baze Malbus (voice)