Stuart Little: The Animated Series is an American animated television series, loosely based on the E. B. White children's book Stuart Little and more based on the live action movie adaptations. It was produced by Red Wagon Productions and Sony Pictures Television for the HBO Family digital cable television channel, and aired for just one 13-episode season in 2003.
as Stuart Little (voice)
as George Little (voice)
as Eleanor Little / Martha Little (voice)
as Mr. Frederick Little (voice)
Stuart Little, the creation of E.B. White, really took off in a couple of live action films released a few years back. You see, Stuart Little is a mouse adopted by a human family. He has a Mom, a Dad, a brother named George, a sister named Martha, and a family cat named Snowball. Stuart can talk, is understood, and the family and those around him do not seem to notice that he is a mouse. The thir…
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Season 1
2003|13 Episodes
Meat loaves have been disappearing all over town lately. Stuart and George think that a "Meat Loaf Bandit" is on the loose. They buy a dog to help protect their house and they set up traps.
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