The Academy
The Academy is a TVB modern drama series broadcast in June 2005. The series follows the lives of a group of new Hong Kong Police recruits as they proceed through training at the Hong Kong Police training school. Within these 27 weeks, each of them learned their lessons, each of them become more mature, each of them become a better person as the relationship between the students and the teachers grows stronger and stronger. A direct sequel, On the First Beat was produced and broadcast in 2007 continued with Ron Ng and Sammul Chan, alongside Joey Yung, Sonija Kwok and Michael Tao. Another sequel, E.U. was produced and released in 2009 continued with Ron Ng and Sammul Chan, alongside Michael Miu, Kathy Chow, Elanne Kong, and Michael Tse. Michael Miu reprises a new role as a triad boss in E.U., which is unrelated to his role in The Academy.
as 李柏翘/韦柏翘 Lee Pak-Kiu / Wai Pak Kiu
as 钟立文 Chung Lap Man
as 马霭琳 Ma Oi Lum
as 何花 Hor Fa
as 李文升 Lee Man Sing
as 曲明昌 Kuk Ming-Cheung (Ken)
as 陈燕婷 Chan Yin-Ting
as 何明 Ho Ming
as 梁添福 Chiu Tim Fok
as 钟志华 Chung Chi Wah