Season 1
The first season of the animated television series, The Boondocks originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. Season one started on November 6, 2005 with "The Garden Party" and ended with "The Passion of Reverend Ruckus" on March 19, 2006, with a total of fifteen episodes. All fifteen episodes from season one were released completely uncensored on a three-disc DVD set in the United States on July 25, 2006.
as Huey Freeman / Riley Freeman (voice)
as Robert Freeman (voice)
as Tom Dubois (voice)
as Sarah Dubois (voice)
as Uncle Ruckus (voice)
as Jazmine Dubois (voice)
The Garden Party 8.3
November 6, 2005
When the owner of Granddad's house invites Granddad and the kids to his garden party, Huey tries to start trouble by sa…
The Trial of Robert Kelly 8.2
November 13, 2005
When the trial of R&B star R. Kelly comes to town and Tom Dubois is the ADA, Huey and Riley are on opposing sides of th…
Guess Hoe's Coming to Dinner 8.6
November 20, 2005
Huey and Riley try to convince Grandad that his new girlfriend Cristal (like the champagne) is actually a prostitute. O…
Granddad's Fight 9.0
November 27, 2005
Grandad and Colonel Stinkmeaner have a beef. One man's blind. One man's feeble. Both are really, really old. Let "The S…
A Date with the Health Inspector 8.2
December 4, 2005
District Attorney and law-abiding citizen Tom Dubois fits the description of the elusive "X-Box Killer" and is arrested…
The Story of Gangstalicious 7.6
December 11, 2005
Riley's favorite rapper, Gangstalicious, is shot and hospitalized in Woodcrest. When Riley goes to visit the rapper, he…
A Huey Freeman Christmas 8.2
December 18, 2005
A well meaning teacher offers Huey the chance to direct the school Christmas play, and Huey decides to release his visi…
The Real 6.8
January 8, 2006
While Riley is busy convincing two reality shows that Granddad's blind and running a homeless shelter, Huey is being sh…
Return of the King 8.8
January 15, 2006
When Martin Luther King Jr. comes out of a coma after 32 years and finds himself thrust into the 21st and life in the p…
The Itis 8.0
January 22, 2006
Grandad opens "The Itis", the only soul food restaurant in Woodcrest. White people didn't expect it. They also didn't e…
Let's Nab Oprah 7.8
February 12, 2006
Huey has to stop Riley and a small gang of misfit idiots from nabbing the talk show deity, Oprah.
Riley Wuz Here 8.0
February 19, 2006
When Riley's affinity for grafitti goes too far, Grandad sends him to an art teacher that actually encourages him to do…
Wingmen 8.0
March 5, 2006
When Grandad's oldest friend, and possibly his worst friend, Moe, dies, the Freemans go back home and Grandad wants the…
The Block is Hot 7.5
March 12, 2006
Its February, and its record temperatures of 90 degrees. Luckily, Jazmine has her lemonade stand open, and does pretty …
The Passion of Reverend Ruckus 8.0
March 19, 2006
While Ruckus spreads the word of White Jesus to get into White Heaven, Huey desperately tries to save his friend from d…