Season 2
The second season of the animated television series, The Boondocks originally aired in the United States on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. Season two started on October 8, 2007 with "...Or Die Trying" and ended with "The Story of Gangstalicious 2" on February 4, 2008. Although fifteen episodes were produced for season two, only thirteen aired in the United States. "The Hunger Strike" and "The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show" never aired in the U.S due to legal reasons. Al…
as Huey Freeman / Riley Freeman (voice)
as Robert Freeman (voice)
as Tom Dubois (voice)
as Sarah Dubois (voice)
as Uncle Ruckus (voice)
as Jazmine Dubois (voice)
...Or Die Trying 8.8
October 8, 2007
Granddad, Huey, Riley and Jazmine must avoid guards after they sneak in to a theatre to watch Soul Plane 2: The Blackja…
Tom, Sarah and Usher 7.8
October 15, 2007
While on a date with Tom Dubois, Sarah Dubois meets the singing sensation, Usher. Sarah starts being obsessed with Ushe…
Thank You for Not Snitching 7.8
October 22, 2007
Two men are invading homes, and Riley and Granddad are refusing to speak to the police. It gets worse when Granddad's c…
Stinkmeaner Strikes Back 8.5
October 29, 2007
Huey has a dream of Stinkmeaner and Granddad says that he was a menace and he sent him to hell like he deserves. Stinkm…
The Story of Thugnificent 7.2
November 5, 2007
The infamous rapper Thugnificent moves to the neighbourhood with his friends Macktastic and Flonominal, eventually lead…
Attack of the Killer Kung-Fu Wolf Bitch 7.5
November 19, 2007
After many failed attempts at online dating, Granddad finally meets a beautiful woman named Luna… who just happens to b…
Shinin' 7.2
November 26, 2007
Riley joins Thugnificent's Lethal Injection crew. Meanwhile, a local bully steals Riley's prized chain.
Ballin' 7.8
December 3, 2007
Riley learns a lesson in good sportsmanship after he joins a basketball team.
Invasion of the Katrinians 8.0
December 10, 2007
Jericho Freeman, Granddad's cousin, and his family, who were displaced by Hurricane Katrina, arrive at the Freeman's ho…
Home Alone 8.0
December 17, 2007
Granddad takes a vacation, leaving the boys alone, but just who is in charge?
The S-Word 8.0
January 21, 2008
A teacher calls Riley a "nigga" in class, causing Robert to decide that he wants to sue for restitution.
The Story of Catcher Freeman 8.8
January 28, 2008
Huey and Riley listen to different perspectives on the story of their ancestor Catcher Freeman.
The Story of Gangstalicious: Part 2 8.2
February 4, 2008
Granddad worries about Riley's sexuality when he notices that he begins to dress and act like "in-the-closet" rapper, G…
The Hunger Strike 7.0
March 16, 2008
Huey goes on a hunger strike in a boycott of BET, and receives some high-profile support from Reverend Rollo Goodlove, …
The Uncle Ruckus Reality Show 7.8
March 23, 2008
In the wake of Huey's failed protest against the network, BET's Harvard-educated programming chief, Weggie Rudlin, is m…