The series explores the life of Irfan, an idealistic professor who is upset by his unfair dismissal and is trying to care for his sick son. As the doors close one by one, Irfan finds himself in the middle of a dark adventure that he can't escape.
Halit Ergenç
as İrfan Tuna Saygun
Onur Saylak
as Egemen Kıvılcım (2)
Nur Fettahoğlu
as Eda Saygun
Aslı Enver
as Ayşe Karaali/Nihal
Birce Akalay
as İlay Yücedağ
Mesut Akusta
as Süleyman Yavuncu
Beren Kasımoğulları
as Deniz Saygun
Veda Yurtsever
as Kudret Yavuncu
Selahattin Paşalı
as Hakan Yavuncu
Lesli Karavil
as Funda