The Kingdom of The Wind, also known as The Land of The Wind, is a 2008 South Korean historial drama, broadcast on KBS from 10 September 2008 to 15 January 2009. It was directed by Kang Il-soo, written by Choi Wan-gyu, Jung Jin-ok, Park Jin-woo; adapted from manhwa by Kim Jin.
as Prince Muhyul
as Princess Yeon
as Princess Lee Ji
as Prince Dojin
as King Yuri
as Yeon Hwa
as Prince Yeojin
as Prince Hae Myeong
as Maro
Another one from the Goguryeo cinematic universe under-delivering its climax and ending. How could they be so incapable of producing anything but a lukewarm finale! Anyway, the drama itself was plagued by an unnecessary garbage love triangle overshadowing the story. Also, it had this habit of forcing everyone to be paired up with someone. This drama is the weakest and the worst out of the Gogurye…