Taking place in the spring of 1992, the story begins with the father of the Makioka company handing his company over. It starts a new era for the lives of the 4 Makioka sisters. Tsuruko continues living with the memory of their family's former glory, though it no longer remains. Yukiko, not dissatisfied with her married life, finds herself worrying over her sisters' behavior. Yukiko, the third born daughter, is seeking to marry but has failed matchmaking many times. The youngest, Taeko, gets caught in a typhoon that hits Kansai...
as Makioka Tsuruko
as Makioka Sachiko
as Makioka Yukiko
as Makioka Taeko
as Okubata Keizo
as Itakura Junishi
as Makioka Tatsuo
as Itani Ritsuko
as Makioka Teinosuke