Season 1 poster

Season 1



Episode 1 poster

Episode 1 0.0

December 17, 1986

Fearing the growing threat of Shaolin, the cradle of kung fu masters, Chien Lung decides to eliminate it. Discovering …

Episode 2 poster

Episode 2 0.0

December 18, 1986

Pai Mei stops Tse Shan and his pupils from getting out of the staircase. Shih-yu suggests that Pei let them leave if th…

Episode 3 poster

Episode 3 0.0

December 19, 1986

The Chief offers to execute himself to relieve Shih-kuan, and the latter stops him. The Chief suffers only slight bruis…

Episode 4 poster

Episode 4 0.0

December 22, 1986

Aborted in their attempt on the life of Chin-chung, Hsi-kuan, Shih-yu and, Hui-chien are surrounded by soldiers. Hsi-ku…

Episode 5 poster

Episode 5 0.0

December 23, 1986

Chin-chung leads men to besiege the Hus, intending to kill Tsui-ping. To avoid getting Yu-ping and Yu-nu involved, Hsi-…

Episode 6 poster

Episode 6 0.0

December 24, 1986

Yu-ping is getting critical in heart trouble resulting from childbirth. Hsi-kuan moves heaven and earth transporting he…

Episode 7 poster

Episode 7 0.0

December 25, 1986

Hsi-kuan escorts Yu-ping and her son to Canton. They put up in an inn. As he is running out of travel expenses, he is u…

Episode 8 poster

Episode 8 0.0

December 26, 1986

On his way back to the inn, Hsi-kuan is tailed by Chin-chung's men. Hsi-kuan returns to the inn after getting away from…

Episode 9 poster

Episode 9 0.0

December 29, 1986

Finding Yu-nu still alive, Shih-yu tries to rescue her, but the soldiers arrive to surround him. Hsi-kuan arrives to ta…

Episode 10 poster

Episode 10 0.0

December 30, 1986

Hsi-kuan tries to convince Shih-yu of the importance of rebuilding Shaolin for the sake of righteousness. Unimpressed, …

Episode 11 poster

Episode 11 0.0

December 31, 1986

To protect Yu-ping and her son, Hui-chien gives himself up, but Chin-chung still sends men to pursue them. In the nick …

Episode 12 poster

Episode 12 0.0

January 1, 1987

Disguised under the name of Lin Wang, Hui-chien rescues Ao Kun's daughter and son-in-law. In gratitude, the couple allo…

Episode 13 poster

Episode 13 0.0

January 2, 1987

Shih-yu craftily breaks the siege. Chien Lung is furious, and offers the reward of gold and an official title to anyone…

Episode 14 poster

Episode 14 0.0

January 5, 1987

Chin-chung interrogates Chi under torture, but he won't reveal anything. Chin-chung kills Chi and his son, then goes aw…

Episode 15 poster

Episode 15 0.0

January 6, 1987

Yung Chi arrests Hsi-kuan. Chien Lung tries him personally, but still remembering the past favour of his having saved h…

Episode 16 poster

Episode 16 0.0

January 7, 1987

Hsi-kuan takes Wen-ting and Mei back to live in the Hungs in the Feng Mei Village. The villagers suspect a special rela…

Episode 17 poster

Episode 17 0.0

January 8, 1987

The rescue of Wen-ting by Hsi-kuan greatly angers Village Chief Li. On taking Wen-ting home, Hsi-kuan interrogates him,…

Episode 18 poster

Episode 18 0.0

January 9, 1987

Hsi-kuan beats the Russian boxer, winning back much pride for the Chinese. He earns much acclaim from Chien Lung, who n…

Episode 19 poster

Episode 19 0.0

January 12, 1987

In an aborted attempt to kill Hsi-kuan, Chin-chung deliberately creates an opportunity for him to break jail to trap hi…

Episode 20 poster

Episode 20 0.0

January 13, 1987

After Hsi-kuan has beaten the knights from six nations, Chien Lung agrees to the rebuilding of the Shaolin Temple, as i…