A parody series featuring the entire cast of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya in a smaller form factor. Among the changes are: Yuki plays eroge, Haruhi is even more obnoxiuous and loud, Mikuru is even more emotional and Koizumi harbors a deep love for Kyon. Kyon, on the other hand, is generally the same as ever.
Daisuke Ono
as Koizumi Itsuki (voice)
Yuki Matsuoka
as Tsuruya (voice)
Aya Hirano
as Suzumiya Haruhi (voice)
Minori Chihara
as Nagato Yuki (voice)
Natsuko Kuwatani
as Asakura Ryouko (voice)
Tomokazu Sugita
as Kyon (voice)
Yuko Goto
as Asahina Mikuru (voice)