Set in a dystopian America ruled by a totalitarian political party, the series follows several seemingly unrelated characters living in a small city. Tying them all together is a mysterious savior who’s impeccably equipped for everything the night throws at them. As the clock winds down with their fates hanging in the balance, each character is forced to reckon with their pasts as they discover how far they will go to survive the night.
as Esme Carmona
as Ryan Grant
as Marcus Moore
as Ben
as Linda
I was with it for a little while at the start. However as the series progressed it became clearer and clearer that there weren't any real stakes for the main characters. They made up for it, at the end, when they actually showed that, yeah, in fact the the main cast won't always win, but it came as an after thought. For the most part you can sit through the series with the guarantee that the s…
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Season 2
2019|10 Episodes
Season 2 explores how a single Purge night affects the lives of four interconnected characters over the course of the ensuing year, all inevitably leading up to the next Purge.
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