A love-hate drama series that follows Noyama Honoka as a florist shop owner who finds her comfortable life messed up by distrust and suspicion when she receives a letter that her newlywed husband Masamichi is hiding a secret from her. As time goes on, she begins to become suspicious of the women around Masamichi, and her negative emotions develop into ones of betrayal and revenge.
Asami Usuda
as Noyama Honoka
Ayame Goriki
as Uemura Midori
Yudai Toyoda
as Noyama Masamichi
Yamashita Coki
as Onodera Mashiro
Tsuyoshi Furukawa
as Kurihara Sota
Nashiko Momotsuki
as Saegusa Akane
Beppu Yuki
as Kuroiwa Ryosuke
Maki Miyamoto
as Minase Kaoruko