A series that dramatises the shocking story of the true-life murder of former Stowe schoolmaster and deeply closeted evangelical Christian, 69-year-old Peter Farquhar by his 28-year-old student and young churchwarden Ben Field in October 2015.
as Peter Farquhar
as Ann Moore-Martin
as Ben Field
as Ann-Marie Blake
as Natalie Golding
as DCI Mark Glover
as David Jeremy
as Simon Blake
as Elizabeth Zettl
as Ian Farquhar
I have pretty much stopped watching these British dramas based on real murder cases because, even though they are all separate cases, these investigations seem to often cover the same story arc. So they have little room for imaginative storytelling or structure. I decided to watch this show, however, because I really like Timothy Spall and Anne Reid, him all the way from his Mike Leigh films a…