The story revolves around the city of storms and the invasion of the full description and his assistant Jasser and their soldiers to this city, and this invasion causes the spread of injustice, corruption and a state of fear and panic among the people of the city.
Ghanem Al-Saleh
as كامل الأوصاف
Hayat Al-Fahad
as أمينة أم حسام
Ahmad Al-Saleh
as العم سالم
Abdullrahman Al Aqel
as مرجان
Meaad Awaad
as هند (الفارس الملثم)
Jasem Al-Saleh
as أدهم زعيم العصابة
Zainab Al-Dahi
as زليخة
Abdul Emam Abdullah
as جاسر
Hussain AlHaddad
as الوالي
Jamal Al-Radhan
as رئيس الجند