Season 1 poster

Season 1



Episode 1 poster

Episode 1 0.0

August 1, 1988

A tough guy breaks MI KA CHING’s sword? SO KA CHING asks him to pay for it. MI KA YUNG and TAM KUEN CHEUNG come along t…

Episode 2 poster

Episode 2 0.0

August 2, 1988

KA YUNG goes with KA CHING to learn kendo, but just for the first lesson he gets himself hurt. KA YUNG feels discourage…

Episode 3 poster

Episode 3 0.0

August 3, 1988

KA YUNG and others investigate about the theft. After much disturbances, they finally discover that it is the runaway p…

Episode 4 poster

Episode 4 0.0

August 4, 1988

On the way driving back to Tam's house, LUNG crashes the electricity box, cutting the electricity supply to On Kui Gard…

Episode 5 poster

Episode 5 0.0

August 5, 1988

LUNG works with WING to arrange a birthday celebration for MEI CHUN. Greatly touched, MEI CHUN finally accepts LUNG and…

Episode 6 poster

Episode 6 0.0

August 8, 1988

CHUNG HAN takes SIU SHI to visit the CHUs. SIU SHI thinks fondly of KA YUNG who however finds her behaving in an affect…

Episode 7 poster

Episode 7 0.0

August 9, 1988

KA CHING again disputes with CHOW CHI. The old coach tries to make the two compromise, but CHOW CHI still insists in hi…

Episode 8 poster

Episode 8 0.0

August 10, 1988

KA YUNG feels unhappy about his weak health and is determined to exercise himself. KA CHING encourages him to do joggin…

Episode 9 poster

Episode 9 0.0

August 11, 1988

CHOW CHI asks KA CHING to train LUNG and she purposely makes things difficult for LUNG. LUNG is not discouraged, practi…

Episode 10 poster

Episode 10 0.0

August 12, 1988

LUNG puts emphasis on flowery style and is reprimanded by CHOW CHI. LUNG and others go to the beach to practise kendo a…

Episode 11 poster

Episode 11 0.0

August 15, 1988

KA YUNG grows mature after his friendship with CHIU LING and thereafter shows more concern for LAI SHAN and the family.…

Episode 12 poster

Episode 12 0.0

August 16, 1988

KA CHING takes CHOW CHI to the hospital and after emergency treatment, CHOW CHI is safe. KA CHING nurses him day and ni…

Episode 13 poster

Episode 13 0.0

August 17, 1988

KUEN CHEUNG receives his report and learns that he is expelled from school because of bad results. Afraid that his pare…

Episode 14 poster

Episode 14 0.0

August 18, 1988

Both KA CHING and LUNG are selected to enter the match with the Japan team. The two feel much excited and practise hard…

Episode 15 poster

Episode 15 0.0

August 19, 1988

With KA YUNG's and SIU SHI's implore, the judges agree to give the two a chance. KA YUNG and SIU SHI give a remarkable …