Set in the Joseon Dynasty period, this drama series follows the Crown Prince Sohyeon, his warriors Heo Seung-Po and An Min-Seo, and a Park Dal-Hyang who is preparing for his military examination.
as Park Dal-Hyang
as Crown Prince Sohyeon
as Heo Seung-Po
as An Min-Seo
as Yoon-Seo
as Jo Mi-Ryeong
as Choi Myung-kil
as Ba Rang
as Yong Gol-Dae
as Kang Bin [Young]
The drama made my skin crawl from this godawful screenplay. Yikes. No wonder why it received poor broadcast ratings, honestly well deserved. It was infested with problems too glaring to ignore. In addition, a general distasteful feeling was always roaming around. None of the characters and their interactions felt natural. The romance was too embarrassing to even call it a romance. The sound desig…
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Season 1
2014|12 Episodes
Set in 17th century Joseon Dynasty, this story follows the Crown Prince and his three guards in an unforgettable journey. Based on the renowned French novel with the same title, "The Three Musketeers" is a three-arc historical drama about Prince Sohyun and his three guards in the Joseon Dynasty. This Korean twist on the classic tale will follow a poverty-stricken young man of noble birth determined to join the royal military forces. This man, named Park Dal-Hyang, will cross paths with the Prince and eventually become the third member of his guard party.
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