The Thrifty Family is a comedic story centered around the LIU family, residing in social housing and striving to save for their own home. As they approach their savings goal, they face challenges like unemployment, breakups, and family conflicts, leading them to reconsider the value of their frugality and their pursuit of a house.
Tzu-Chien Kuo
as Liu Chi Chung
Wan-Ting Tseng
as Lin Shang Shui
Yu Jin
as Liu Ta Fu
Hu Jhih-ciang
as Liu Ta Kuei
Chao-Fei Chen
as Liu Ta Fa
Beatrice Fang
as Ko Fang
Iain Lu
as Hsiao Ching
Hsiao Liang-Ge
as Grandpa Li
Chen Chi-hsia
as Shang Shui's mother