The Unforgettable Memory is a Taiwanese prime-time television series, originally broadcast on Formosa Television from 22 September 2004 to 28 September 2006 for 526 episodes. With a run-time of over 50,000 minutes, it is the longest Taiwanese TV drama in the 21st century.
Wang Shih-Sian
as 王胜天
Phoenix Chang
as 方丽珠 / 赖丽珠
Lee-Zen Lee
as 王胜志
Anais Yang
as 赖素绫
Qin Zhang
as 陈月霞
Angel Han
as 黄雪莲 / 陈珊妮
Hsing-Wen Lee
as 李泉水
Johnny Hsu
as 蔡进炮