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The Wonder List with Bill Weir poster

The Wonder List with Bill Weir



The Wonder List with Bill Weir Season 1 poster

Season 1 (2015)

with 8 episodes premiered on March 1, 2015

Across eight, one hour episodes, storyteller Bill Weir and renowned filmmaker Philip Bloom will take viewers to Vanuatu; the Galapagos Islands; Ikaria, Greece; the Taj Mahal in India; the Alps; the D…

The Wonder List with Bill Weir Season 2 poster

Season 2 (2016)

with 6 episodes premiered on March 20, 2016

Storyteller Bill Weir continues his worldwide quest to uncover the untold stories of remarkable people, places, cultures, and creatures, at the crossroads of change. Across six hour-long episodes, vi…

The Wonder List with Bill Weir Season 3 poster

Season 3 (2017)

with 6 episodes premiered on October 7, 2017

The Wonder List with Bill Weir Season 4 poster

Season 4 (2022)

with 4 episodes premiered on April 21, 2022