The events revolve around the Wali of Justice Stan (Abu Shuja), the just governor who handles the affairs of a state that has lived in the shadow of his justice and generosity of morals for a long time. Illegal Profit draws up a plan to remove the governor and the Minister of Cheb (Badran)
AbdulHusain AbdulRedha
as معروف / أبو شجاع
Soad Abdullah
as دليلة بنت محتار
Ghanem Al-Saleh
as ذياب
Jassim Al-Nabhan
as أيوب
Ahmad Johar
as زجران
Huda Al-Khateeb
as جرناسة
Hamad Nasser
as العم درويش
Ahmad Al-Salman
as نطاح
Khaled Ameen
as بدران
Muhammad Al-Mannaya
as القاضي أبو المعالي