A grim drama that unfolds against the backdrop of a global catastrophe. An unknown new virus turns Moscow into a city of the dead. Money loses its value and those not yet infected struggle desperately for food and survival.
as Sergey
as Irina
as Marina
as Leonid
as Misha
as Polina
as Anton
as Zhenya
as Ezis
as Alyona
The idea is interesting. And it's fascinating to see the Russian take on the Zombie fairy tale. Life is different over there, so the story is different. Sadly, the novelty is what keeps people watching. The characters are crap. All the Leninist stereotypes are there. The Kolhoz manager, with his two wives, and a righteous father magically popping in. The hysterical two wives in their mindless …
I watched season one of To The Lake, in one sitting and I can't wait for the subbed release of season two. This apocalyptic drama works, in large part, because of quality characterisations and a story that evolves rationally. People do the sort of things you might expect them to do, when faced with a life threatening situation, where the chances of survival grow thinner every day. It throw…