The sitcom drama revolves around the family of Balachandran, his wife Neelima, their four kids Vishnu, Lakshmi, Keshav, Shivani and Neelima's Brother Sreekuttan.
Rishi S.Kumar
as Vishnu Balachandran Thampi
Juhi Rustagi
as Lakshmi Balachandran Thampi
Biju Sopanam
as Kulathara Shoolankudi Balachandran Thampi
Nisha Sarangh
as Padavalam Veettil Neelima Balachandran
S.P. Sreekumar
as Sreekuttan
Each & every scene of the serial is connected and its remembering us as our own family issues. Some of the scenes exactly like the same happened in our family like husband wife arguments , parents involvement & kids fighting etc.. still, bonding & togetherness of the family is a good moral to others. Uppum Mulakkum serial is Superlative !!