Season 1 poster

Season 1



Episode 1 poster

Episode 1 0.0

May 5, 2003

MRS CHAN gets robbed. Her screaming wakes up GUCCI, who is taking a nap at Honey Cave. GUCCI speeds to her help. Exerci…

Episode 2 poster

Episode 2 0.0

May 6, 2003

SARAH and GUCCI blame each other for the mistakes they made when signing the contract with KAM. KAM insists he will not…

Episode 3 poster

Episode 3 0.0

May 7, 2003

GUCCI gabs KAM’s hand and pushes him down before he can reach his gun. All pile up on KAM and get hurt in the process o…

Episode 4 poster

Episode 4 0.0

May 8, 2003

KAM claims he works as an extra in the television station, but in fact, he plays a corpse. TODAY tells him that she is …

Episode 5 poster

Episode 5 0.0

May 9, 2003

CHRIS helps out at Honey Cave as both HELENA and AH WONG are taking a day off. CHRIS chances on ATHENA during an errand…

Episode 6 poster

Episode 6 0.0

May 12, 2003

On his first day at work, CHRIS treats everyone to Honey Cave egg tarts. SUGAR embarrasses MARCO by asking why he never…

Episode 7 poster

Episode 7 0.0

May 13, 2003

GEORGE unwittingly learns of HELENA’s doubts over FRANCIS’s sexual orientation. HELENA even harbors the suspicion that …

Episode 8 poster

Episode 8 0.0

May 14, 2003

TODAY is displeased with KELLY that she goes on a shopping spree and spends a fortune with her credit card but bars MAR…

Episode 9 poster

Episode 9 0.0

May 15, 2003

TODAY reveals that KELLY is the person who threw away SARAH’s shoebox. KELLY pleads for pardon but SARAH is unforgiving…

Episode 10 poster

Episode 10 0.0

May 16, 2003

SARAH and GUCCI are busy preparing their diet meals. But GUCCI’s determination is shaken by TSUN and HELENA’s sumptuous…

Episode 11 poster

Episode 11 0.0

May 19, 2003

ROGER urges his daughter YEE to return to England and finish her studies in fashion design. YEE refuses as she has land…

Episode 12 poster

Episode 12 0.0

May 20, 2003

MARCO has received several wedding invitations. KELLY suggests that he wraps credit card gifts nicely and gives them as…

Episode 13 poster

Episode 13 0.0

May 21, 2003

TODAY attributes her new radiant look to a certain whitening cream she bought from a non-authorized dealer sale. She te…

Episode 14 poster

Episode 14 0.0

May 22, 2003

Without wearing any makeup, KITTY takes the trash out. She bumps against KAM and loses her keys. KAM thinks she is an o…

Episode 15 poster

Episode 15 0.0

May 23, 2003

KELLY finds out that ALEX is in fact a married man. She cannot bear to hide it from KITTY. But KITTY acknowledges the n…

Episode 16 poster

Episode 16 0.0

May 26, 2003

On his first day of work, KAM munches on his colleagues’ snacks, breaks down the copier and air-conditioner, covers up …

劉錦是欽差大臣 poster

劉錦是欽差大臣 0.0

May 27, 2003

陳嬌是富家女 poster

陳嬌是富家女 0.0

May 28, 2003

玉露、隔美反目 poster

玉露、隔美反目 0.0

May 29, 2003

阿日跟阿美鬥氣 poster

阿日跟阿美鬥氣 0.0

May 30, 2003

陳嬌逼阿美釣金龜婿 poster

陳嬌逼阿美釣金龜婿 0.0

June 2, 2003

Episode 22 poster

Episode 22 0.0

June 3, 2003

GUCCI chances on YUEN YING and finding her the ideal daughter-in-law candidate, she uses every trick in her bag to matc…

Episode 23 poster

Episode 23 0.0

June 4, 2003

CHRIS and KELLY are about to present their proposal at Yuen’s but YING suggests they do it some other day as CHRIS keep…

Episode 24 poster

Episode 24 0.0

June 5, 2003

Yee learns unwittingly that CHRIS has administered the “beauty ruse” to trick Ying into signing the deal and frowns at …

Episode 25 poster

Episode 25 0.0

June 6, 2003

CHRIS returns home and finds the house decorated with round objects that symbolize marital bliss. Though embarrassed, h…

Episode 26 poster

Episode 26 0.0

June 9, 2003

KAM is a lazy, do-nothing at work but he serves KITTY like a slave. KITTY spends her days aimlessly as she waits for Al…

Episode 27 poster

Episode 27 0.0

June 10, 2003

KITTY gets back to KAM for ruining her marriage by stealing the toilets rolls from the gent’s toilet. SARAH gives GEORG…

Episode 28 poster

Episode 28 0.0

June 11, 2003

The following day, GEORGE goes to work with a swollen face. He loses his role and starts acting strangely, even barking…

Episode 29 poster

Episode 29 0.0

June 12, 2003

GEORGE tries to organize his own fan club, and designates KAM as the president. KAM seizes the chance to swindle GEOGRE…

Episode 30 poster

Episode 30 0.0

June 13, 2003

While SARAH points her finger at someone’s irresponsible acts, GUCCI suspects that she had been dumped. One day, GUCCI …

Episode 31 poster

Episode 31 0.0

June 16, 2003

MARCO falls ill. KELLY tries to help by offering him a secret concoction, which further worsens his condition. The KIMs…

Episode 32 poster

Episode 32 0.0

June 17, 2003

KELLY makes a vow in front of her colleagues that she and MARCO will marry in three days. MARCO, however, is evasive an…

Episode 33 poster

Episode 33 0.0

June 18, 2003

KELLY finds out that $200,000 has gone missing from a joint account with MARCO and goes to the KIMs to seek the truth. …

Episode 34 poster

Episode 34 0.0

June 19, 2003

The following day, MARCO asks KELLY the whereabouts of the money and KELLY tells him that she has lent it to a friend. …

Episode 35 poster

Episode 35 0.0

June 20, 2003

Complaining that she has no dates after work, KELLY forcibly takes YEE and KITTY as her mahjong mates. MARCO is mad at …

Episode 36 poster

Episode 36 0.0

June 23, 2003

YEE wears big fashion labels every day and arouses much attention among her colleagues. But YEE claims that her clothes…

Episode 37 poster

Episode 37 0.0

June 24, 2003

CHRIS realizes that he has wrongly blamed YEE when a nurse sends back the sketches and is overwhelmed by a feeling of g…

Episode 38 poster

Episode 38 0.0

June 25, 2003

CHRIS and YEE join hands to win the bid, thus sparing YEE from her ill fate. To draw inspirations for her work, YEE sta…

Episode 39 poster

Episode 39 0.0

June 26, 2003

Nobody at the KIMs believes in KAM’s encounter with ghosts. One night, while heading to the bathroom, TODAY sees to her…

Episode 40 poster

Episode 40 0.0

June 27, 2003

KELLY returns from her business trip and brings the KIMs souvenirs. YEE grabs the presents for herself and infuriates K…

Episode 41 poster

Episode 41 0.0

June 30, 2003

KELLY realizes that she has wrongly blamed YEE when CHRIS discerns the broken pieces are just glassware. ROGER reminds …

Episode 42 poster

Episode 42 0.0

July 1, 2003

TODAY works as a part-time model at Ka Yan and makes sharp criticisms on FRANCIS’s tonal designs. FRANCIS rebuts her an…

Episode 43 poster

Episode 43 0.0

July 2, 2003

GUCCI comes upon a picture of TSUI, TODAY’s producer, and photos in which TODAY strikes sexy pose. KAM mentions that TS…

Episode 44 poster

Episode 44 0.0

July 3, 2003

TODAY criticizes FRANCIS’s frog T-shirt pattern as banal. But MARCO and CHRIS point out that the frog T-shirts are mass…

Episode 45 poster

Episode 45 0.0

July 4, 2003

TODAY and the three women work out at the gym and chance on FRANCIS. The old feuds play tricks on each other. KELLY sug…

Episode 46 poster

Episode 46 0.0

July 7, 2003

MARCO and KELLY visit the “Love Bell” and find TODAY and FRANCIS paying obeisance before it. The news reaches a worryin…

Episode 47 poster

Episode 47 0.0

July 8, 2003

CHRIS introduces KITTY to his client ELTON, but ELTON takes MAY fancy and invites her to a cruise trip. MAY makes it cl…

Episode 48 poster

Episode 48 0.0

July 9, 2003

KAM is running an errand when he meets an elderly woman begging on her wheelchair and decides to give her a hand. GUCCI…

Episode 49 poster

Episode 49 0.0

July 10, 2003

CHRIS and MARCO return home and realize that TODAY has failed to show up at the outing. The four hear laughter coming o…

Episode 50 poster

Episode 50 0.0

July 11, 2003

Alarmed by KAM’s lipsalving GUCCI on the phone and learning from SARAH that GUCCI is on the way to the bank to close he…

Episode 51 poster

Episode 51 0.0

July 14, 2003

CHRIS, MARCO, and TODAY feel ill at ease as SARAH suspects that she is plagued with a series of illnesses. GEORGE mista…

Episode 52 poster

Episode 52 0.0

July 15, 2003

Prior to the visit of NG MEI LAI, CHRIS’s major client, the staffs at Ka Yan put away little ornaments of love to avoid…

Episode 53 poster

Episode 53 0.0

July 16, 2003

CHRIS and others look for clues as to why SARAH falls out with KITTY. KELLY takes out a college annual and finds out th…

Episode 54 poster

Episode 54 0.0

July 17, 2003

ROGER plans to purchase a yacht for his staff’s recreations but is indecisive over naming her as “CHRIS” or “ATHENA”. A…

Episode 55 poster

Episode 55 0.0

July 18, 2003

CHRIS is convinced that a spy has leaked out information to ATHENA. LILY emerges as the prime suspect after rounds of a…

Episode 56 poster

Episode 56 0.0

July 21, 2003

Employees at Ka Yan all call in sick and shift their workload onto KAM. Running a fever himself, KAM laments his ill lu…

Episode 57 poster

Episode 57 0.0

July 22, 2003

YEE seeks CHRIS’s advice on some clothes samples, but for a moment, he mistakes her for seeking counsel on going out wi…

Episode 58 poster

Episode 58 0.0

July 23, 2003

Back at the KIMs household, the siblings discover that KAM has laid his hand on every single possession of theirs. KAM …

Episode 59 poster

Episode 59 0.0

July 24, 2003

KELLY fancies an expensive glass tumbler. She claims that it is flawed and thus presses the shop assistant to sell it a…

Episode 60 poster

Episode 60 0.0

July 25, 2003

TODAY seeks to verify her assumption with MAY, while encouraging her to show her true feelings. Solemnly, MAY makes her…

Episode 61 poster

Episode 61 0.0

July 28, 2003

TODAY and KELLY fight for a taxi. TODAY reminds MAY to be on her guard against KELLY, whom she believes has a crush on …

Episode 62 poster

Episode 62 0.0

July 29, 2003

MAY’s thought travels three years back to the day of MARCO’s birthday: GUCCI had drawn a lucky divination stick for him…

Episode 63 poster

Episode 63 0.0

July 30, 2003

KELLY brings some souvenirs over to the KIMs. TODAY makes a startling statement about the night MARCO and MAY stayed ov…

Episode 64 poster

Episode 64 0.0

July 31, 2003

SUM sees GUCCI and UNCLE SIU walking side by side affectionately, and thinking that she is an old prostitute, she repor…

Episode 65 poster

Episode 65 0.0

August 1, 2003

TODAY claims that KELLY must break up with MARCO since her family has offended GUCCI. MARCO smells trouble after learni…

Episode 66 poster

Episode 66 0.0

August 4, 2003

GUCCI explains that because the oven has broken down, the shop didn’t make their own egg tarts on that day. MARCO confe…

Episode 67 poster

Episode 67 0.0

August 5, 2003

KELLY admits being pregnant. GUCCI can do nothing but gives her blessings to the couple. CHRIS offers to furnish for th…

Episode 68 poster

Episode 68 0.0

August 6, 2003

KELLY stuffs herself with nourishing food prepared by GUCCI. As a result, she has put on massive weight and acnes grow …

Episode 69 poster

Episode 69 0.0

August 7, 2003

SARAH takes out two jewelry boxes. KELLY is given the smaller one. She hears GUCCI mentioning about a dowry and believe…

Episode 70 poster

Episode 70 0.0

August 8, 2003

MARCO summons the nerve to tell GUCCI their plan to move out. To MARCO’s relief, GUCCI is supportive of their decision.…

Episode 71 poster

Episode 71 0.0

August 11, 2003

KELLY blames herself for engrossing SARAH and decides to give up her ideal marriage life and moves back to the KIMs. Th…

Episode 72 poster

Episode 72 0.0

August 12, 2003

On their wedding day, the bridesmaids get a big red packet from the anxious groom. They also demand that MARCO sing KEL…

Episode 73 poster

Episode 73 0.0

August 13, 2003

KELLY tries concealing some contraceptive pills but has dropped them on the floor instead. MARCO picks them up and trie…

Episode 74 poster

Episode 74 0.0

August 14, 2003

TODAY is displeased that KELLY shirks the housework and treats GUCCI and SARAH like maids. KELLY gets wind that the woo…

Episode 75 poster

Episode 75 0.0

August 15, 2003

KELLY complains about KAM’s idleness and bad habits. She uses his racing papers to wrap mango peels and throws away his…

Episode 76 poster

Episode 76 0.0

August 18, 2003

ROGER is proposing a wage cut of twenty per cent. FRANCIS gets wind of the news and breaks it to his colleagues. Kitty …

Episode 77 poster

Episode 77 0.0

August 19, 2003

Luck has not been on KAM’s side lately. But SARAH treats him exceptionally kindly. KAM blames KITTY for bringing him il…

Episode 78 poster

Episode 78 0.0

August 20, 2003

The next morning, the naked KITTY and KAM scream and shout at the sight of each other. KITTY feels a sharp pain in her …

Episode 79 poster

Episode 79 0.0

August 21, 2003

KITTY intrudes the gent’s toilet to retrieve her butterfly pendant. She gets stuck as CHRIS and the other two guys walk…

Episode 80 poster

Episode 80 0.0

August 22, 2003

KELLY and MARCO return to the office from hospital. They switch on the video recorder to play the message LILY has reco…

Episode 81 poster

Episode 81 0.0

August 25, 2003

KAM is thankful for KITTY’s passionate kisses that heal his ego wound. But the gesture costs Ka Yan a five million doll…

Episode 82 poster

Episode 82 0.0

August 26, 2003

To save face, KAM spends a fortune on a lavish night out with KITTY. Though KITTY’s lifestyle and social circle bear no…

Episode 83 poster

Episode 83 0.0

August 27, 2003

The KITTY and KAM romance doesn’t look too promising in most people’s mind, but KITTY refuses to dump KAM despite their…

Episode 84 poster

Episode 84 0.0

August 28, 2003

CHRIS tries to sound GEORGE out but fails. TODAY takes him to PO LAM’s when the two witness her chasing off some swindl…

Episode 85 poster

Episode 85 0.0

August 29, 2003

The truth about the enmity between the old screen partners is at last revealed. FRANCIS is distressed to learn that his…

Episode 86 poster

Episode 86 0.0

September 1, 2003

YEE accompanies MAY to deliver a book to a friend of CHRIS’. During MAY’s visit to the bathroom, YEE has an encounter w…

Episode 87 poster

Episode 87 0.0

September 2, 2003

SAM JR. gets involved in another accident when seeing MAY home. During their wait for help, MAY loses her bracelet. Whi…

Episode 88 poster

Episode 88 0.0

September 3, 2003

The colleagues exclaim what a perfect couple YEE and SAM make. Their compliments earn them a seafood barbecue. FRANCIS …

Episode 89 poster

Episode 89 0.0

September 4, 2003

Not able to enjoy a convenient lift as he used to, MARCO shows up late for a meeting and loses his client. ATHENA chast…

Episode 90 poster

Episode 90 0.0

September 5, 2003

No sooner she strikes lucky and wins a car in a lucky draw, but she cautiously asks MARCO to keep it from his family an…

Episode 91 poster

Episode 91 0.0

September 8, 2003

MARCO rakes his brain to conceal his ownership of a new car from GUCCI. But a clash later costs him a fortune to repair…

Episode 92 poster

Episode 92 0.0

September 9, 2003

KONG is sacked for making irredeemable mistakes and injuring his co-worker. He idles away his leisure time by wrecking …

Episode 93 poster

Episode 93 0.0

September 10, 2003

KAM is on the verge of exposing KELLY’s conspiracy of posting fake recruitment ads for SARAH. She misleads KONG to beli…

Episode 94 poster

Episode 94 0.0

September 11, 2003

TODAY is displeased with KELLY for taking advantage of the family. KELLY lines her own pocket by taking small changes f…

Episode 95 poster

Episode 95 0.0

September 12, 2003

The alumni decide to present the ‘Old Virgin’ golden plague to SARAH now that KITTY has a boyfriend. Frustrated, SARAH …

Episode 96 poster

Episode 96 0.0

September 15, 2003

GUCCI insists that SARAH take a few days off; SARAH enters a TV game show and beats GEORGE to become the champion. But …

Episode 97 poster

Episode 97 0.0

September 16, 2003

SARAH avenges her insults on the KIMs one by one. KAM becomes the scapegoat of her misfortune. SARAH seeks a ‘bachelor …

Episode 98 poster

Episode 98 0.0

September 17, 2003

GEORGE cannot prove his innocence and comes under fire when trying to save a little girl. SARAH learns of PING’s scheme…

Episode 99 poster

Episode 99 0.0

September 18, 2003

SARAH is torn between her dream and the reality. GEORGE emerges in her dream as her life-saving hero, but in reality, h…

Episode 100 poster

Episode 100 0.0

September 19, 2003

KAM tries to justify the secret held between his mother and SHEUNG, and convinces himself that SHEUNG gives him the boo…

Episode 101 poster

Episode 101 0.0

September 22, 2003

SHEUNG is worry about the head injury that KAM receives. KAM unexpectedly gets a pay raise and a promotion. At Ka Yan, …

Episode 102 poster

Episode 102 0.0

September 23, 2003

SISTER SEVEN can hardly bear to hear KAM calling SHEUNG dad. She faints at the scene. Regaining her consciousness, she …

Episode 103 poster

Episode 103 0.0

September 24, 2003

KAM consumes food of the entire KIM family in one single night and wakes up the next morning sick with a tummy ache. Th…

Episode 104 poster

Episode 104 0.0

September 25, 2003

To save up for a golden watch for her future mother-in-law’s birthday present, SUGAR eats only leftovers. It startles K…

Episode 105 poster

Episode 105 0.0

September 26, 2003

SEVEN SISTER’s rejection makes KITTY brokenhearted. KELLY, TODAY and MAY try hard to think of a solution. The mother is…

Episode 106 poster

Episode 106 0.0

September 29, 2003

FRANCIS has a crush on TODAY. GEORGE jokingly says that he has a tempting heart. FRANCIS criticizes the wardrobes of th…

Episode 107 poster

Episode 107 0.0

September 30, 2003

FRANCIS feels rejected and loses his appetite having watched over an intimate scene between GEORGE and TODAY. GEORGE un…

Episode 108 poster

Episode 108 0.0

October 1, 2003

TODAY asks him to behave as usual since the last thing she wants is to let others know of his love for her. Still KELLY…

Episode 109 poster

Episode 109 0.0

October 2, 2003

FRANCIS looks exhausted after staying up with SUGAR the whole night. While others think that FRANCIS is taking advantag…

Episode 110 poster

Episode 110 0.0

October 3, 2003

CHRIS sees YEE buying rotten fruit from a hawker and thinks she is broke. He chances on a former staff and learns that …

Episode 111 poster

Episode 111 0.0

October 6, 2003

YEE is upset with CHRIS for making a fool of herself. But the women consent to his challenge given to YEE. ATHENA’s reb…

Episode 112 poster

Episode 112 0.0

October 7, 2003

The superiors of FRANCIS and YEE are swapping places. FRANCIS is glad that he no longer has to put with up ATHENA’s tem…

Episode 113 poster

Episode 113 0.0

October 8, 2003

SEVEN SISTER has been showing KAM the cold shoulder for days. KAM receives a big parcel one day. He opens it and an awf…

Episode 114 poster

Episode 114 0.0

October 9, 2003

SHEUNG challenges YEE by making her pledge to find a job in two weeks or return to her studies in England. ATHENA has F…

Episode 115 poster

Episode 115 0.0

October 10, 2003

KAM claims talking to ‘KITTY’ despite the telephone line has been cut off. CHRIS and others agree that KAM suffers from…

Episode 116 poster

Episode 116 0.0

October 13, 2003

On the roof, SARAH overhears GEORGE and WU YING reminiscing on their past. YING was GEORGE’s mentor and gave him his br…

Episode 117 poster

Episode 117 0.0

October 14, 2003

GEORGE receives full support from the family for hosting the show with YING. SARAH prepares him breakfast but is scolde…

Episode 118 poster

Episode 118 0.0

October 15, 2003

To pay his debts, he resorts to making adult movies despite the discriminations his family and friends hold against him…

Episode 119 poster

Episode 119 0.0

October 16, 2003

FRANCIS notices GEORGE’s strange moves as he puts away a huge box of ‘tempting hearts’. GEORGE thus tells him that GUCC…

Episode 120 poster

Episode 120 0.0

October 17, 2003

GEORGE accompanies GUCCI to a Cantonese Opera performance but dozes off and twists his neck. GUCCI suggests having Chiu…

Episode 121 poster

Episode 121 0.0

October 20, 2003

Francis has prepared an exquisite dress for TODAY’s new commercial. However, LOI HEI appropriates the dress and makes a…

Episode 122 poster

Episode 122 0.0

October 21, 2003

HELENA’s application for a credit card is met with TAI CHUEN’s opposition. She tosses out in a fury. The next day, TAI …

Episode 123 poster

Episode 123 0.0

October 22, 2003

KAM shows off a golden necklace he has bought for KITTY. SARAH comments sarcastically that the necklace is so light tha…

Episode 124 poster

Episode 124 0.0

October 23, 2003

TAI CHUEN and the father and son speed to UNCLE MING’s home to expose their adultery, but the trio get beaten up in a p…

Episode 125 poster

Episode 125 0.0

October 24, 2003

MAY has secretly prepared TAI CHUEN a present for his upcoming birthday. Incognizant of MAY’s thoughtfulness, TAI CHUEN…

Episode 126 poster

Episode 126 0.0

October 27, 2003

YEE wants to find herself a referee for competing in a design contest. CHRIS thinks that she is deemed unsuitable for a…

Episode 127 poster

Episode 127 0.0

October 28, 2003

YEE is moved when learning that CHRIS nearly lost his job because of her mistake. Love breeds from gratitude. CHRIS is …

Episode 128 poster

Episode 128 0.0

October 29, 2003

KELLY and MARCO return from a business trip. The office folk find fault with the stingy couple, who hasn’t brought them…

Episode 129 poster

Episode 129 0.0

October 30, 2003

DICKSON each gives MARCO, KELLY and others a gift. His generosity wins the colleagues’ unanimous praise. This fills CHR…

Episode 130 poster

Episode 130 0.0

October 31, 2003

CHRIS plans to take YEE out for celebration, but while shopping for a present, he sees YEE buying a men’s watch which l…

Episode 131 poster

Episode 131 0.0

November 3, 2003

CHRIS is heartbroken to see YEE kissing SHEUNG. YEE waits eagerly for CHRIS in the restaurant, only to realize that he …

Episode 132 poster

Episode 132 0.0

November 4, 2003

MAY hesitates to find a scapegoat to drink a concocter made with ashes of a charm, AH KONG gravely downs the potion by …

Episode 133 poster

Episode 133 0.0

November 5, 2003

GUCCI misconceives AH WONG’s help rendered to a friend as his scheme to smuggle illegal goods and fires him. But she ta…

Episode 134 poster

Episode 134 0.0

November 6, 2003

When KONG shows up to pick her up from the night school, MAY is so shocked that she nearly faints. She finds out that C…

Episode 135 poster

Episode 135 0.0

November 7, 2003

Business at Honey Cave is bogged down by overstaffing and skyrocketing costs due to AH KONG and AH WONG’s repeated mist…

Episode 136 poster

Episode 136 0.0

November 10, 2003

SIN, SHUM and KELLY go to a teahouse. SIN tries to reason with the manager as they spot a fly in their tea but gets bea…

Episode 137 poster

Episode 137 0.0

November 11, 2003

SHUM gets wind of KAM’s taking SIN to a mahjong game. Irrespective of the right or wrong, she rains blows on KAM and st…

Episode 138 poster

Episode 138 0.0

November 12, 2003

SHUM boldly criticizes the diet and the decor of the KIMs. The family is compelled to stomach her insults. KELLY and MA…

Episode 139 poster

Episode 139 0.0

November 13, 2003

KELLY and MAY rush to hospital and see SHUM and HELENA ignoring the wounds they received in their censures of each othe…

Episode 140 poster

Episode 140 0.0

November 14, 2003

SARAH strikes against GUCCI’s unfair treatment and threatens to migrate to Canada. GUCCI fears that SARAH will find it …

Episode 141 poster

Episode 141 0.0

November 17, 2003

SHUM has outstayed her welcome at the KIMs. To get rid of the loathsome guest, the family throws a sumptuous dinner at …

Episode 142 poster

Episode 142 0.0

November 18, 2003

SIN takes the mahjong table in a mahjong establishment and wins game after game. A fire breaks out at the premises. Whi…

Episode 143 poster

Episode 143 0.0

November 19, 2003

SIN gets in his car in chase of SHUM. His eyes rest on a picture taken thirty years ago which captured a glimpse of his…

Episode 144 poster

Episode 144 0.0

November 20, 2003

TODAY and GEORGE are assigned to co-star in a new filming project. Their intimacy makes SARAH green with jealousy. TODA…

Episode 145 poster

Episode 145 0.0

November 21, 2003

SARAH coerces TODAY into arranging a romantic rendezvous for her and GEORGE. To make sure TODAY comply, she threatens t…

Episode 146 poster

Episode 146 0.0

November 24, 2003

MRS HO and her daughter are negotiating business deals with SHEUNG. The daughter thinks that the samples SHEUNG has put…

Episode 147 poster

Episode 147 0.0

November 25, 2003

CHRIS and YEE are waiting for their client MR LEE to show up at a restaurant, but LEE fails to show up for the meeting.…

Episode 148 poster

Episode 148 0.0

November 26, 2003

Instead of giving YEE the watch as a gift, CHRIS offers it as a prize for Ka Yan’s anniversary lucky draw. CHRIS is at …

Episode 149 poster

Episode 149 0.0

November 27, 2003

YEE admits to SHEUNG her love for CHRIS but urges him not to interfere with their relationship. SHEUNG is impressed by …

Episode 150 poster

Episode 150 0.0

November 28, 2003

SHEUNG sets up blind dates for YEE. Much to her annoyance, the men all resemble a puritanical scholar. YEE seeks to lea…

Episode 151 poster

Episode 151 0.0

December 1, 2003

SHEUNG applauses KELLY’s performance and entrusts her with the order from MRS MA. This jars on ATHENA, who tries to dam…

Episode 152 poster

Episode 152 0.0

December 2, 2003

KELLY’s daring attitude to voice her protest at ATHENA’s overbearing attitude wins the admiration of her colleagues. To…

Episode 153 poster

Episode 153 0.0

December 3, 2003

TODAY meets the alleged rapist at the staircase. CHRIS and MARCO dash to her rescue and each passes a jolt at the black…

Episode 154 poster

Episode 154 0.0

December 4, 2003

KELLY returns home, evidently having had a glass or two as the odor of alcohol suggests. MARCO retrieves a message that…

Episode 155 poster

Episode 155 0.0

December 5, 2003

MARCO hails a taxi to follow hot on KELLY’s heels as she has gotten on FRANCO’s car but soon loses track of them. Later…

Episode 156 poster

Episode 156 0.0

December 8, 2003

An important Japanese client MR KIMURA takes his family along during his visit to Ka Yan. But he is appalled at KAM’s s…

Episode 157 poster

Episode 157 0.0

December 9, 2003

KAM has purchased a lot of tonics, hoping to make a good profit from reselling the goods. But his face pales at the new…

Episode 158 poster

Episode 158 0.0

December 10, 2003

KAM walks past Lo Lam Restaurant and storms into the reserved VIP room where he devours the dinner before the KIMs arri…

Episode 159 poster

Episode 159 0.0

December 11, 2003

KAM puts the scarf on a table. A thrilled ATHENA loses no time to put it. KAM vows to retrieve it from her. As ATHENA i…

Episode 160 poster

Episode 160 0.0

December 12, 2003

KAM’s eyes meet the malignant gaze of an old lady while taking the same lift with her. ATHENA tells KAM that the scarf …

Episode 161 poster

Episode 161 0.0

December 15, 2003

HELENA and TAI CHUEN ask TODAY for tickets to a music variety show. KAM gives the sarcastic comment that friendship is …

Episode 162 poster

Episode 162 0.0

December 16, 2003

HELENA and TAI CHUEN treat KWAI much friendlier, only because they want him to fix some electrical appliances. MAY susp…

Episode 163 poster

Episode 163 0.0

December 17, 2003

MAY’s blind date turns out to be AH CHEONG. Yet he swears that he would rather die than marry her. MAY feels blessed be…

Episode 164 poster

Episode 164 0.0

December 18, 2003

The following day, SUN FU shows up at MAY’s office to return the money and has brought her a bouquet of flowers. He eve…

Episode 165 poster

Episode 165 0.0

December 19, 2003

TODAY has rashes caused by the dodgy sanitary products used at home. KELLY taunts her with stinginess. GEORGE slips up …

Episode 166 poster

Episode 166 0.0

December 22, 2003

When she finds out FRANCIS has orchestrated the plan, she breaks up with him. During the shooting, the director critici…

Episode 167 poster

Episode 167 0.0

December 23, 2003

TODAY brings SISTER HA a cake as a token of appreciation. From her, TODAY learns that FRANCIS has conducted a research …

Episode 168 poster

Episode 168 0.0

December 24, 2003

WING has returned from Australia and asks to meet MARCO. She tells him that she is getting married and asks to take the…

Episode 169 poster

Episode 169 0.0

December 25, 2003

The KIMs have exhausted every means to make KELLY take off the jade butterfly necklace. WING goes to Ka Yan with the pu…

Episode 170 poster

Episode 170 0.0

December 26, 2003

CHRIS still nursing a grudge against CHRIS over WING, he spurns at the warning. CHRIS hurries to the airport to sign a …

Episode 171 poster

Episode 171 0.0

December 29, 2003

KAM each writes an apology card to CHRIS and MARCO assuming to be the other brother. He pretends to suffer from cancer …

Episode 172 poster

Episode 172 0.0

December 30, 2003

Back at Honey Cave, CHRIS and MARCO are sitting in their respective enclave. SARAH heaves a deep sigh. GUCCI calls SARA…

Episode 173 poster

Episode 173 0.0

December 31, 2003

FRANCIS and TODAY enjoy their rare private moment while the family is away. The couple discovers that GEORGE has purcha…

Episode 174 poster

Episode 174 0.0

January 1, 2004

PING is in fact FRANCIS’ birth mother AI NA, who seizes the chance to find out her son’s reaction of their union. FRANC…

Episode 175 poster

Episode 175 0.0

January 2, 2004

GEORGE asks FRANCIS to get down on his kneels and announces the news of AI NA’s presumed death three years ago. On the …

Episode 176 poster

Episode 176 0.0

January 5, 2004

GUCCI agrees to take NA in. FRANCIS is provoked by two players into competing with them on the soccer field. GEORGE sho…

Episode 177 poster

Episode 177 0.0

January 6, 2004

FRANCIS happily sends out the wedding invitations to everyone. An exhilarated SARAH feels no pain of her cut finger. A …

Episode 178 poster

Episode 178 0.0

January 7, 2004

Inside Honey Cave, GEORGE gives SARAH a hard time for inviting the stay of an ominous guest. SARAH feels wronged. Every…

Episode 179 poster

Episode 179 0.0

January 8, 2004

YEE is touched by the KIMs’ hospitality. But SHEUNG stays up all night worrying sick about her. CHRIS asks her to leave…

Episode 180 poster

Episode 180 0.0

January 9, 2004

Getting wind that YEE is staying at the KIMs, SHEUNG goes to Honey Cave to find her. CHRIS and YEE are meeting a client…

Episode 181 poster

Episode 181 0.0

January 12, 2004

SHEUNG brings with him lavish gifts to the KIMs. Mistaking GUCCI’s room for YEE’s, he sends over home furnishing gifts.…

Episode 182 poster

Episode 182 0.0

January 13, 2004

CHRIS beats up SHEUNG in rescuing YEE and finally learns about their relationship as father and daughter. While all faw…

Episode 183 poster

Episode 183 0.0

January 14, 2004

As CHRIS and YEE embrace each other in a taxi, the vehicle hits on a lamppost. YEE wakes up and can no longer remember …

Episode 184 poster

Episode 184 0.0

January 15, 2004

CHRIS’ dire attempts only serve to incur her displeasure. CHRIS confides in SAM. KAM falls under the suspicion of seizi…

Episode 185 poster

Episode 185 0.0

January 16, 2004

As no one bears witness to the love between CHRIS and YEE, SAM goes as far to smear CHRIS’ reputation to prove himself …

Episode 186 poster

Episode 186 0.0

January 19, 2004

KAM brings forth a fake witness, not knowing that CHRIS and the taxi-driver are on the way. YEE slaps CHRIS on his chee…

Episode 187 poster

Episode 187 0.0

January 20, 2004

CHRIS hands in his resignation to pursue a career in Shanghai. GUCCI and others urge him not to give up on YEE or he wi…

Episode 188 poster

Episode 188 0.0

January 21, 2004

KAM’s sister LAW BING was GUCCI’s best friend and classmate. From a photo GUCCI took with her boyfriend KAM WAH, KAM de…

Episode 189 poster

Episode 189 0.0

January 22, 2004

MARCO et al. refuse to believe that GUCCI is BING’s murderer. They are tied up by KAM, who tries to extort confession f…

Episode 190 poster

Episode 190 0.0

January 23, 2004

Having proven her innocence, GUCCI also reconciles with KAM. GUCCI speeds to redeem an old cash register kept as a meme…

Episode 191 poster

Episode 191 0.0

January 26, 2004

GUCCI stalks SHUM HO and rather shyly asks him to pose for an old damaged wedding picture of WAH and herself. GUCCI not…

Episode 192 poster

Episode 192 0.0

January 27, 2004

SHUM HO is a man of brutal and revengeful nature. Apparently, he also wields the “Invincible Wind and Fire White Slippe…

Episode 193 poster

Episode 193 0.0

January 28, 2004

GUCCI fails to reach KAM as he has left his cell phone inside the stone house. Fearing that he has fallen victim to SHU…

Episode 194 poster

Episode 194 0.0

January 29, 2004

When KAM learns that the object of his constant bullying MAI KWAI has the same jinxed destiny, he swears brotherhood wi…

Episode 195 poster

Episode 195 0.0

January 30, 2004

KAM wants to completely transform KWAI, but KWAI rationalizes his ways and points out KAM’s mistakes instead. SHEUNG ha…

Episode 196 poster

Episode 196 0.0

February 2, 2004

In order to decline KWAI’s courtship, TODAY claims that she indulges herself in delights of leisure. But KAM presses FR…

Episode 197 poster

Episode 197 0.0

February 3, 2004

MAY promises to take care of the lizard “DICE” for KWAI who has been evicted by his landlord. But MAY’s three suitors w…

Episode 198 poster

Episode 198 0.0

February 4, 2004

With DICE gone missing and the lucky draw fantasy shattered, MAY is later inspired to study Chinese medicine. KELLY and…

Episode 199 poster

Episode 199 0.0

February 5, 2004

Rumor has it that a mistress has come to Honey Cave from the mainland to look for her husband in Hong Kong. HELENA chan…

Episode 200 poster

Episode 200 0.0

February 6, 2004

TODAY is found out to be the person to blame for the SEKs’ skyrocketing expenditures. HELENA seeks compensation from GE…

Episode 201 poster

Episode 201 0.0

February 9, 2004

No one in the KIMs believes that the SHEKs’ house is haunted. In the middle of the night there comes a crying which sou…

Episode 202 poster

Episode 202 0.0

February 10, 2004

TODAY brings a frog to the SHEK’s and asks FRANCIS to take care of it. HELENA is in a state of undresses when she sees …

Episode 203 poster

Episode 203 0.0

February 11, 2004

BOON YAT SIN has helped HELENA lie to FRANCIS. He asks HELENA to pay him, but she refuses. Furious, SIN curses that she…

Episode 204 poster

Episode 204 0.0

February 12, 2004

LAU KAM drops his Mark Six ticket into a gutter. KITTY goes into the gutter to pick it up for him. Everyone praises her…

Episode 205 poster

Episode 205 0.0

February 13, 2004

Anything related to the word “bitter” has been wiped out from the menus and newspapers at the Honey Cave. When SARAH ap…

Episode 206 poster

Episode 206 0.0

February 16, 2004

To help KAU KAM pay off his debt, KITTY takes a part-time job as a wine promoter. Ashamed, LAU KAM decides to turn a ne…

Episode 207 poster

Episode 207 0.0

February 17, 2004

At the Honey Cave, everyone laughs hilariously at the scene of SARAH dressed up as a Mushroom Monster and sucking out G…

Episode 208 poster

Episode 208 0.0

February 18, 2004

GEORGE is depressed about SARAH being popular. He wants to retire from the entertainment business and open a restaurant…

Episode 209 poster

Episode 209 0.0

February 19, 2004

SARAH’s entertainment life ends. LAU KAM is back to normal. SARAH passes a tennis court and sees two girls playing tenn…

Episode 210 poster

Episode 210 0.0

February 20, 2004

SARAH scolds LAU KAM for being secretive. GUCCI intercedes to point out that she should be celebrating that she is clos…

Episode 211 poster

Episode 211 0.0

February 23, 2004

MARCO and KELLY return from a business trip, and cannot believe it when they see SARAH and KITTY are good friends again…

Episode 212 poster

Episode 212 0.0

February 24, 2004

MARCO and KELLY are interviewed on the street for a magazine. The conclusion is that they form a perfect couple with be…

Episode 213 poster

Episode 213 0.0

February 25, 2004

MARCO wants KELLY to get pregnant, so he prepares a sexy bath for them, which shocks her. While they are fighting, the …

Episode 214 poster

Episode 214 0.0

February 26, 2004

KEI SUM tries to find out more about KELLY’s birth plan at the Honey Cave. MARCO dishes out a bowl of medicinal soup wi…

Episode 215 poster

Episode 215 0.0

February 27, 2004

The KIMs are surprised to see SUM when they come home with lots of hotpot ingredients. KELLY announces that SUM has pre…

Episode 216 poster

Episode 216 0.0

March 1, 2004

SUM moans suddenly in the middle of the night. Everyone is scared and they take her to the hospital. When they arrive, …

Episode 217 poster

Episode 217 0.0

March 2, 2004

GUCCI walks in with a friend CHAN. He is surprised that the power bill at the Honey Cave is over thirty thousand dollar…

Episode 218 poster

Episode 218 0.0

March 3, 2004

AUNTIE LAU comes to the Honey Cave to thank GUCCI for telling her to give her staff shares in the company to keep them …

Episode 219 poster

Episode 219 0.0

March 4, 2004

TAI TSUN and his wife pretend to be ill, and take sick leave. They like to imagine how chaotic the Honey Cave will beco…

Episode 220 poster

Episode 220 0.0

March 5, 2004

The KIMs celebrate the fact that TAI TSUN and his wife will be leaving in 12 days. They ask PING how his restaurant is …

Episode 221 poster

Episode 221 0.0

March 8, 2004

TAI TSUN and HELENA try to make money from cheating after they leave the Honey Cave. AH WONG witnesses their behavior a…

Episode 222 poster

Episode 222 0.0

March 9, 2004

KELLY’s friend invites her to a business meeting and proposes bringing their partners to join an archery competition. K…

Episode 223 poster

Episode 223 0.0

March 10, 2004

MAY wants to make up with KELLY, but she refuses. Then KELLY overhears LILY and some other female colleagues gossiping …

Episode 224 poster

Episode 224 0.0

March 11, 2004

MARCO tries to find MAY a boyfriend, but she turns him down saying she only likes pilots. Suddenly, MAI KWAI appears in…

Episode 225 poster

Episode 225 0.0

March 12, 2004

KWAI and LAU KAM stalk after MAY to find out who her lover is. ROGER appears holding MAY’s hand, so they think that he …

Episode 226 poster

Episode 226 0.0

March 15, 2004

KWAI disappears. MAY and MARCO look everywhere for him. MARCO finds him sitting on the stairs and reprimands him for ma…

Episode 227 poster

Episode 227 0.0

March 16, 2004

MAY avoids MARCO at work. He hides from her by leaving home early and coming back late. MAY takes her annual leave. MAR…

Episode 228 poster

Episode 228 0.0

March 17, 2004

KELLY monitors MARCO secretly and finds something suspicious about him. When she interrogates MAY about it, she firmly …

Episode 229 poster

Episode 229 0.0

March 18, 2004

KELLY moves back to her family home and refuses to see MARCO. SIN and SUM see their chance to blackmail MARCO. MAY expl…

Episode 230 poster

Episode 230 0.0

March 19, 2004

KELLY books the President Suite for a client. However, the client cannot make it, so she brings MARCO and the KIMs to u…

Episode 231 poster

Episode 231 0.0

March 22, 2004

ATHENA covers for KELLY’s misdemeanour in front of ROGER. He asks her to sign more contracts to cover the loss. When sh…

Episode 232 poster

Episode 232 0.0

March 23, 2004

They lose SING SIR eventually. When ATHENA is worrying about her future, a man claiming to be SING SIR suddenly appears…

Episode 233 poster

Episode 233 0.0

March 24, 2004

In order to get rid of the so-called SING SIR, ATHENA steals ROGER’s necklace and tries to put the blame on SING. Howev…

Episode 234 poster

Episode 234 0.0

March 25, 2004

They hate KAM after SING tells them the reason. KAM treats SING like his enemy after everyone turns their backs on him.…

Episode 235 poster

Episode 235 0.0

March 26, 2004

LAU KAM’s friends realise that SING is not SING SIR. KAM wants to expose him, but ATHENA stops him for the sake of thei…

Episode 236 poster

Episode 236 0.0

March 29, 2004

Meanwhile, SING reappears, to everyone’s relief. TODAY loses her necklace in the TV studio. GUCCI promises to find it f…

Episode 237 poster

Episode 237 0.0

March 30, 2004

GUCCI tries to find TODAY’s necklace by using high technology. She makes up a picture of the necklace and asks everyone…

Episode 238 poster

Episode 238 0.0

March 31, 2004

NG SAU comes for tea at the Honey Cave. GUCCI is convinced that he is a thief at first sight. Surprisingly, SAU comes u…

Episode 239 poster

Episode 239 0.0

April 1, 2004

SING sees someone following GUCCI, so he follows behind. The man tries to mob GUCCI but luckily SING scares him off, al…

Episode 240 poster

Episode 240 0.0

April 2, 2004

SING hires SAU to carry out an investigation. They find out that GUCCI had a son who had three moles on the sole of his…

Episode 241 poster

Episode 241 0.0

April 5, 2004

GUCCI tells SING how she got pregnant with him and how she decided to give birth to him secretly because she did not wa…

Episode 242 poster

Episode 242 0.0

April 6, 2004

LAU KAM and KITTY spread rumors that GUCCI is heavily in debt from gambling and that the Honey Cave is going to close d…

Episode 243 poster

Episode 243 0.0

April 7, 2004

SING persuades the suppliers into leaving. He points out that it was LAU KAM and KITTY who spread the rumors, but LAU K…

Episode 244 poster

Episode 244 0.0

April 8, 2004

CHRIS has installed a web-cam at home and one at SING’s place. GUCCI is thrilled and look at SING at the web-cam all th…

Episode 245 poster

Episode 245 0.0

April 9, 2004

Sensing that there is something wrong with SAU’s behavior, GUCCI runs out of Honey Cave under the pretext of going to t…

Episode 246 poster

Episode 246 0.0

April 12, 2004

SAU invites SING to the pub to watch a significant football match together. Thinking that pubs are not good places to h…

Episode 247 poster

Episode 247 0.0

April 13, 2004

LAU KAM suspects that SING is pretending to be blind when he sees him having no difficulties in picking up dim sum or p…

Episode 248 poster

Episode 248 0.0

April 14, 2004

KEI SUM sees a couple having an argument at Honey Cave. She tries to give them some advice but somehow exacerbates the …

Episode 249 poster

Episode 249 0.0

April 15, 2004

GUCCI meets SIN in the market. He points out that her bracelet is cursed, which will bring her bad luck. She is scared …

Episode 250 poster

Episode 250 0.0

April 16, 2004

The kitchen cupboard and the cooker are broken at the KIMs’ home. Everyone is unwell. They think that something bad is …

Episode 251 poster

Episode 251 0.0

April 19, 2004

The KIMs conclude that KEI SUM has run off with GUCCI’s money, but KELLY defends her. KELLY interrogates KEI SUM and sh…

Episode 252 poster

Episode 252 0.0

April 20, 2004

KELLY learns that GUCCI and SARAH have bought some sea produce to visit LAM SIN. She asks him to take KEI SUM out. Unfo…

Episode 253 poster

Episode 253 0.0

April 21, 2004

TODAY is filming at a hillside. She treads on a bone jar, which she thinks is a prop, by accident. GEORGE takes her bac…

Episode 254 poster

Episode 254 0.0

April 22, 2004

GEORGE thanks SAU for helping him out and agrees to be his matchmaker. He thinks that SARAH is in love with SAU, so he …

Episode 255 poster

Episode 255 0.0

April 23, 2004

GEORGE avoids SARAH and uses SAU as his shield. He arranges a romantic candle-lit dinner, but disappears as soon as SAU…

Episode 256 poster

Episode 256 0.0

April 26, 2004

When GEORGE shows up at Honey Cave with all fingers injured, she knows that the injury must be from digging up the clot…

Episode 257 poster

Episode 257 0.0

April 27, 2004

SAU and SARAH dress up for dinner in a high-class restaurant. He has not been well ever since he started dating her. He…

Episode 258 poster

Episode 258 0.0

April 28, 2004

GUCCI queues up in a restaurant early in the morning to get a table. The KIMs arrive late and complain about the locati…

Episode 259 poster

Episode 259 0.0

April 29, 2004

ATHENA is away on a business trip. LAU KAM and the other staff take the chance to be late for work. When they arrive at…

Episode 260 poster

Episode 260 0.0

April 30, 2004

LAM gives everyone a document which is full of mistakes. They then find out that the document was issued by them. She i…

Episode 261 poster

Episode 261 0.0

May 3, 2004

LAU KAM advises MARCO and the others to lie to GUCCI so that she can dress up as a beggar to beg LAM not to fire them. …

Episode 262 poster

Episode 262 0.0

May 4, 2004

SING is surprised to see LAM become the new manager. ATHENA gains support from her subordinates, so she requests leave …

Episode 263 poster

Episode 263 0.0

May 5, 2004

LAU KAM and the others worry about their test results. On the day of result announcement, LAM accuses ROGER of cheating…

Episode 264 poster

Episode 264 0.0

May 6, 2004

SING is prepared to quit when he gets back to the office. HUO comes up to interrogate him if he had punched him. He the…

Episode 265 poster

Episode 265 0.0

May 7, 2004

The KIMs are discussing WONG’s falling in love with LAM. WONG has an interview at the Ka Yan Company. SING advises him …

Episode 266 poster

Episode 266 0.0

May 10, 2004

LAU KAM regards himself as LAM’s matchmaker and tries to play tricks on her, only to suffer from his own tricks. He the…

Episode 267 poster

Episode 267 0.0

May 11, 2004

Roger asks JOE why she does not want to sign the contract. SING takes all the blame. LAU KAM and the others want to vis…

Episode 268 poster

Episode 268 0.0

May 12, 2004

ATHENA knows that LAM has a rash and uses the excuse of fearing catching it to take some leave. SING finds out from SAU…

Episode 269 poster

Episode 269 0.0

May 13, 2004

LAU KAM and MARCO advise KELLY and KITTY to form a “Handbag Team” with LAM so as to get closer with LAM. When the four …

Episode 270 poster

Episode 270 0.0

May 14, 2004

TODAY later finds out from GEORGE that FRANCIS was not like that when he was little. She goes to Sai Kung with GEORGE t…

Episode 271 poster

Episode 271 0.0

May 17, 2004

TODAY and GEORGE find out that FRANCIS was once bitten by a snake. Then he had a fever caused by GEORGE. FRANCIS finds …

Episode 272 poster

Episode 272 0.0

May 18, 2004

FRANCIS buys movie tickets for LAU KAM and KITTY and follows them around. KITTY gets annoyed when he constantly leans a…

Episode 273 poster

Episode 273 0.0

May 19, 2004

LAU KAM cannot shed his feminine inclination. Everyone tries hard to help him, but in no avail. LAU KAM asks KITTY to m…

Episode 274 poster

Episode 274 0.0

May 20, 2004

Episode 275 poster

Episode 275 0.0

May 21, 2004

LAU KAM and MARCO follow LAM SIN and find out that he was a dancing king. LIN wants him to enjoy dancing again, so she …

Episode 276 poster

Episode 276 0.0

May 24, 2004

KELLY, KITTY, and TODAY suspect that MARCO, LAU KAM, and FRANCIS are having an affair. They follow them to a train stat…

Episode 277 poster

Episode 277 0.0

May 25, 2004

KEI SUM learns from TODAY, KITTY, and KELLY that LAM SIN is fooling around with the others, so she follows the girls to…

Episode 278 poster

Episode 278 0.0

May 26, 2004

KELLY, KITTY, and TODAY put down MARCO, LAU KAM, and FRANCIS’s names for a hiking competition. The next day, they recei…

Episode 279 poster

Episode 279 0.0

May 27, 2004

ROGER orders all his staff to join Sir CHAN’s dancing competition. KELLY and KITTY are very skilled at dancing after GU…

Episode 280 poster

Episode 280 0.0

May 28, 2004

During a meeting, ROGER praises LAM and SING and wants to reward LAM with the “Best Staff” award. ATHENA objects to his…

Episode 281 poster

Episode 281 0.0

May 31, 2004

MARCO persuades ATHENA to do a prayer in a temple. Although SIN the fortuneteller is bribed by LAU KAM, he still manage…

Episode 282 poster

Episode 282 0.0

June 1, 2004

SING pretends to be ill to avoid ATHENA. However, she goes to visit him and turns the KIMs’ upside down, which bothers …

Episode 283 poster

Episode 283 0.0

June 2, 2004

ATHENA demands that LAU KAM marries her within three months and leaves KITTY in a week. When KITTY comes back after a b…

Episode 284 poster

Episode 284 0.0

June 3, 2004

ATHENA tries every way to let KITTY know that she is dating LAU KAM, but she just cannot get it. SING deals with all AT…

Episode 285 poster

Episode 285 0.0

June 4, 2004

To ATHENA’s surprise, KITTY thinks that LAU KAM has been ordered by ROGER to please ATHENA. ATHENA is annoyed and uses …

Episode 286 poster

Episode 286 0.0

June 7, 2004

ATHENA decides to help LAU KAM to quit all his bad habits. She delivers some engagement presents to the KIMs and discus…

Episode 287 poster

Episode 287 0.0

June 8, 2004

ROGER’s home is under renovation, so he has nowhere to put his luck charm. Everyone wants to be lucky and fights to tak…

Episode 288 poster

Episode 288 0.0

June 9, 2004

CHOI grew up in the States, but he does not speak any English. His eating and living habits are not very westernized at…

Episode 289 poster

Episode 289 0.0

June 10, 2004

GUCCI and the others are shocked to see CHOI cutting LAU KAM’s toe nails when they come back home. LAU KAM wants to tak…

Episode 290 poster

Episode 290 0.0

June 11, 2004

CHOI stands up for a woman. LAU KAM and the others are beaten up as a consequence. CHOI is scared of ghosts. LAU KAM an…

Episode 291 poster

Episode 291 0.0

June 14, 2004

CHOI is scared off by the KIMs and runs away. They find him unconscious in a rubbish bin later. GUCCI acts as CHOI’s to…

Episode 292 poster

Episode 292 0.0

June 15, 2004

GUCCI falls ill. CHOI takes even better care of her. When GUCCI goes to visit her dead husband’s grave, LAU KAM has an …

Episode 293 poster

Episode 293 0.0

June 16, 2004

GUCCI and the others do whatever CHOI says in fear of provoking him to kill. However, TAI TSUN calls him “Cockeyes” and…

Episode 294 poster

Episode 294 0.0

June 17, 2004

LAM is beautiful and kind and is welcomed by everyone. When she is suspected of torturing SAU, GUCCI will not believe i…

Episode 295 poster

Episode 295 0.0

June 18, 2004

SAU wins the “Best staff” award. LAM is very excited about it. When she sees all his colleagues are rough people, she w…

Episode 296 poster

Episode 296 0.0

June 21, 2004

GUCCI is scared at seeing the “Blood Dripper” and becomes paranoid. When the director of the show decides to stop using…

Episode 297 poster

Episode 297 0.0

June 22, 2004

SAU runs away from home. LAM regrets what she has done to him. GEORGE advises SAU to leave the street and move to a mot…

Episode 298 poster

Episode 298 0.0

June 23, 2004

HELENA orders SAU to pay her compensation for seeing her naked, but her demand is denied by GUCCI and the others. LAM v…

Episode 299 poster

Episode 299 0.0

June 24, 2004

MARCO and the others persuade SAU to go home so as not to be blackmailed again. He claims that he only agrees to do so …

Episode 300 poster

Episode 300 0.0

June 25, 2004

All the colleagues laugh at her saying that even though MARCO dresses up like an old man, she still cannot hide the fac…

Episode 301 poster

Episode 301 0.0

June 28, 2004

MARCO is very upset by the rumour that KELLY and RICHARD are having an affair. KAM claims that KELLY and RICHARD are to…

Episode 302 poster

Episode 302 0.0

June 29, 2004

MARCO is deliberately attentive to KELLY in front of RICHARD. She is embarrassed by his unusual behaviour. RICHARD take…

Episode 303 poster

Episode 303 0.0

June 30, 2004

KELLY is scheduled to meet RICHARD at a hotel to sign a contract. She is shocked when she overhears RICHARD telling a b…

Episode 304 poster

Episode 304 0.0

July 1, 2004

At a hand imprint ceremony, GEORGE finds out by chance that PIK TAI was selected as a Star because she is having an aff…

Episode 305 poster

Episode 305 0.0

July 2, 2004

GEORGE chokes on a fish ball. SARAH sucks it out for him. In order to thank her, he decides to do something for her. Th…

Episode 306 poster

Episode 306 0.0

July 5, 2004

A picture of GEORGE and KA YING meeting in a restaurant is printed in a newspaper. There is a rumour of them getting ba…

Episode 307 poster

Episode 307 0.0

July 6, 2004

Several newspapers publish photographs of KA YING’s eczema-ridden scalp. GEORGE blames SARAH for hurting KA YING’s feel…

Episode 308 poster

Episode 308 0.0

July 7, 2004

The Kims visit SARAH in hospital and ask KITTY what happened. When GEORGE returns home, he is surprised to see SARAH wa…

Episode 309 poster

Episode 309 0.0

July 8, 2004

GUCCI and KEI SUM go shopping. KEI SUM scolds GUCCI for not being sensitive after a man molests her and she does not ev…

Episode 310 poster

Episode 310 0.0

July 9, 2004

Six of the Kims have a pimple on a different part of their bodies. AH WONG says if they gather seven people with the sa…

Episode 311 poster

Episode 311 0.0

July 12, 2004

LAU KAM fills in the wrong combination on his lottery ticket, but unexpectedly he wins the Mark-Six first prize. KEI SU…

Episode 312 poster

Episode 312 0.0

July 13, 2004

KITTY and LAM SIN are looking for LAU KAM and KEI SUM at the Honey Cave. GUCCI tells them to stop being paranoid. She a…

Episode 313 poster

Episode 313 0.0

July 14, 2004

LAU KAM and KEI SUM ask GUCCI for their lottery ticket. Meanwhile, the KIMs, LAM SIN and KITTY suddenly appear. They ar…

Episode 314 poster

Episode 314 0.0

July 15, 2004

NAM suggests becoming KELLY’s sworn sister, which surprises KELLY. MARCO reminds KELLY that NAM and her are very differ…

Episode 315 poster

Episode 315 0.0

July 16, 2004

NAM is a workaholic. Everyone is scared that she might overwork them. LAU KAM swears that he can tackle her. He notices…

Episode 316 poster

Episode 316 0.0

July 19, 2004

The KIMs learn that NAM is planning to move into their building and worry that she will be watching them constantly. Th…

Episode 317 poster

Episode 317 0.0

July 20, 2004

LAU KAM sighs that he has no excuse to be late for work and leave work early anymore after NAM moves into the same buil…

Episode 318 poster

Episode 318 0.0

July 21, 2004

ATHENA is going on holiday. Everyone fights to take care of her dog, Cheque. KELLY uses some tricks to become Cheque’s …

Episode 319 poster

Episode 319 0.0

July 22, 2004

MARCO and KELLY take a bath with some pomelo leaves in order to get rid of their bad luck. SARAH asks everyone to give …

Episode 320 poster

Episode 320 0.0

July 23, 2004

KELLY is enraged and refuses to give GUCCI any more spending money. GUCCI swears that she will do no more cooking. When…

Episode 321 poster

Episode 321 0.0

July 26, 2004

TAI TSUN feels that his lucky drawn ticket number is not lucky, so he secretly swaps it with SARAH’s. SARAH wins the fi…

Episode 322 poster

Episode 322 0.0

July 27, 2004

HELENA breaks TAI TSUN’s head. They end up in a police station. The KIMs settle the argument. HELENA hears TAI TSUN cur…

Episode 323 poster

Episode 323 0.0

July 28, 2004

HELENA stays at the KIMs’ flat to hide from the hitman, much to their annoyance. GUCCI asks TAI TSUN to beg for HELENA’…

Episode 324 poster

Episode 324 0.0

July 29, 2004

HELENA meets her father Sir Chan outside the restaurant. She begs GUCCI to lie to her father that HELENA is the owner o…

Episode 325 poster

Episode 325 0.0

July 30, 2004

TAI TSUN falls ill after HELENA decides to divorce him. GUCCI interrogates MARCO and KELLY. HELENA returns to the Chans…

Episode 326 poster

Episode 326 0.0

August 2, 2004

MARCO, KELLY and LAU KAM feel exhausted after having a night out, but a Black Storm Warning is hoisted, which cheers th…

Episode 327 poster

Episode 327 0.0

August 3, 2004

The KIMs think that they might have offended the dead, so they clean up all the tablets. Meanwhile, NAM and NG SAU arri…

Episode 328 poster

Episode 328 0.0

August 4, 2004

The KIMs all fall ill. LAU KAM thinks they are cursed. NAM gives the KIMs a homemade cake, but it is so hard that GUCCI…

Episode 329 poster

Episode 329 0.0

August 5, 2004

Everyone guesses that ROGER might find a replacement for NAM, so they pretend to work hard in front of him. They even s…

Episode 330 poster

Episode 330 0.0

August 6, 2004

LAU KAM, KELLY and MARCO want to avoid NAM and TODAY meeting each other at the Honey Cave, so they get NAM to leave the…

Episode 331 poster

Episode 331 0.0

August 9, 2004

TAI TSUN takes the largest present from SARAH’s trip, but is disappointed to find that it is a toy dinosaur egg. He and…

Episode 332 poster

Episode 332 0.0

August 10, 2004

WONG arrives at Ka Yan early. ROGER can find no suitable position for WONG and realizes that he should not have hired h…

Episode 333 poster

Episode 333 0.0

August 11, 2004

WONG points out problems in ROGER’s personal hygiene, which troubles him. ROGER takes ATHENA’s advice and tries to fram…

Episode 334 poster

Episode 334 0.0

August 12, 2004

MARCO, KELLY, LAU KAM and FRANCIS receive ROGER’s instruction to stop WONG from delivering some goods, so that he can f…

Episode 335 poster

Episode 335 0.0

August 13, 2004

GEORGE reveals LAU KAM’s waist size and WONG’s height. He also points out that MARCO is a penny-pincher. LAU KAM, WONG …

Episode 336 poster

Episode 336 0.0

August 16, 2004

GEORGE quits filming for the TV series because he is unhappy with his character. He insists on changing his hair style …

Episode 337 poster

Episode 337 0.0

August 17, 2004

TODAY announces her wedding. All except SARAH and GEORGE aren happy for her. GEORGE tells NG SAU that if FRANCIS gets m…

Episode 338 poster

Episode 338 0.0

August 18, 2004

TODAY is stressed by the wedding preparations and takes it out on FRANCIS. Some sponsors learn that TODAY is getting ma…

Episode 339 poster

Episode 339 0.0

August 19, 2004

GUCCI feels very unsettled. She worries that something bad has happened to SING. He suddenly appears at the KIMs’ and c…

Episode 340 poster

Episode 340 0.0

August 20, 2004

NG SAU sees the KIMs turn their backs to each other through selfishness, so he supports SING for wanting to leave them.…

Episode 341 poster

Episode 341 0.0

August 23, 2004

TAI TSUN and HELENA show up at the Honey Cave wearing 1970s-style clothes and say that they have a cousin, WAH, nick-na…

Episode 342 poster

Episode 342 0.0

August 24, 2004

The chief swears to regain his dignity before midnight. SING points out that the chief’s bodyguards are very good at ma…

Episode 343 poster

Episode 343 0.0

August 25, 2004

SING holds the volleyball, given by Princess Fiona, and sighs how unfair it is that he can’t marry her. GUCCI and the o…

Episode 344 poster

Episode 344 0.0

August 26, 2004

KEI SUM finds that LAM SIN has hidden an erhu and demands that he breaks it. She and HELENA look for a $500 receipt in …

Episode 345 poster

Episode 345 0.0

August 27, 2004

TAI TSUN tells LAM SIN that he will be delighted if HELENA will not talk for a day. LAM SIN instructs him to put a snak…

Episode 346 poster

Episode 346 0.0

August 30, 2004

HELENA tries to find someone she really hates. Meanwhile, KEI SUM shows up and tries to steal her chance to help WONG. …

Episode 347 poster

Episode 347 0.0

August 31, 2004

TAI TSUN is sick. HELENA ignores him and plays mahjong. LAM SIN visits him at the SHEKs. He feeds TAI TSUN some medicin…

Episode 348 poster

Episode 348 0.0

September 1, 2004

LAU KAM thinks that LAM SIN and TAI TSUN are having a relationship. HELENA and KEI SUM find this hard to believe. MARCO…

Episode 349 poster

Episode 349 0.0

September 2, 2004

GEORGE sees SARAH searching through his VCDs and DVDs, and thinks that she still loves him. SARAH and KITTY receive a b…

Episode 350 poster

Episode 350 0.0

September 3, 2004

GEORGE finds out about SARAH getting the ‘Fertility Tea’ for KITTY and the reason for everyone leaving. He realizes tha…

Episode 351 poster

Episode 351 0.0

September 6, 2004

MARCO, KELLY and LAU KAM are forced to help ROGER pursuing SUKI, which annoys them. SARAH knows that SUKI, BONNIE and C…

Episode 352 poster

Episode 352 0.0

September 7, 2004

MARCO and the others are shocked when ROGER suddenly shows up as they are having a hot pot in the office. LAU KAM point…

Episode 353 poster

Episode 353 0.0

September 8, 2004

ROGER knows that SARAH is a good girl with not many friends, so he introduces a good bachelor SZETO KAM YUEN to her. YU…

Episode 354 poster

Episode 354 0.0

September 9, 2004

SARAH runs into a macho man and knocks over the bag that he is carrying. She is shocked to see lots of jewelry and a gu…

Episode 355 poster

Episode 355 0.0

September 10, 2004

KELLY and MARCO go for a dim sum meal with KEI SUM and the KIMs. KELLY yells at KEI SUM to stop her from eating a pig’s…

Episode 356 poster

Episode 356 0.0

September 13, 2004

KELLY and GUCCI enter the “Hong Kong’s best mother and daughter-in-law” competition and win first prize. KELLY assumes …

Episode 357 poster

Episode 357 0.0

September 14, 2004

LAU KAM reveals KELLY’s story in the lift on a webpage. GUCCI accidentally sends it out by email, which annoys KELLY. K…

Episode 358 poster

Episode 358 0.0

September 15, 2004

GUCCI and MARCO envy SAM POR playing with her grandchild. KELLY declares immediately that she doesn’t want to have chil…

Episode 359 poster

Episode 359 0.0

September 16, 2004

GUCCI demands that MARCO bring KELLY home, but LAU KAM tries to stop him. At the office, KELLY pretends she has a cough…

Episode 360 poster

Episode 360 0.0

September 17, 2004

TODAY finds out that a restaurant is offering free buffet, on condition that customers do not put on more than 3 pounds…

Episode 361 poster

Episode 361 0.0

September 20, 2004

KELLY interrogates MARCO over her pregnancy. She learns from the news that she had purchased fake contraceptive pills, …

Episode 362 poster

Episode 362 0.0

September 21, 2004

KELLY is too hungry to sleep. However, she vomits every thing up when she eats. She forces MARCO to find ways to help h…

Episode 363 poster

Episode 363 0.0

September 22, 2004

LAU KAM sets up a betting pool on whether KELLY will have a girl or a boy. The KIMs want her to have a girl, but the LA…

Episode 364 poster

Episode 364 0.0

September 23, 2004

MARCO worries about not having enough income, so he works as a part-time coolie. He twists his wrist and loses more tha…

Episode 365 poster

Episode 365 0.0

September 24, 2004

KELLY goes for crazy shopping. She cannot manage the bags and boxes. Luckily SHAN passes by and helps her. He lectures …

Episode 366 poster

Episode 366 0.0

September 27, 2004

The KIMs find out that SHAN is the owner of La Gogo, and hate him. The Honey Cave business diminishes sharply because o…

Episode 367 poster

Episode 367 0.0

September 28, 2004

SHAN swears in front of his father’s grave that he is going to live a new life. Unfortunately, his bad spending habit w…

Episode 368 poster

Episode 368 0.0

September 29, 2004

In order to avoid being in the same vehicle as SHAN, NAM rents a whole mini-bus. She bumps into him at the Mau Lei Buil…

Episode 369 poster

Episode 369 0.0

September 30, 2004

GUCCI cannot stand SHAN’s spending anymore. She plots some tricks to make him lose everything. MO witnesses it and laug…

Episode 370 poster

Episode 370 0.0

October 1, 2004

SHAN brings more problems than help to the company, which annoys everyone. He volunteers to do housework for the KIMs. …

Episode 371 poster

Episode 371 0.0

October 4, 2004

SHAN tears up the check from A & ABC, which should have paid everyone’s salary for the month. LAM SIN tells LAU KAM tha…

Episode 372 poster

Episode 372 0.0

October 5, 2004

ATHENA has grown a beard, so she interrogates SHAN and demands that he is fired. NAM learns of it and accuses her of ab…

Episode 373 poster

Episode 373 0.0

October 6, 2004

NAM disdains SHAN for writing the letter of apology and accuses him of wearing a mask. NAM finds that the underwear she…

Episode 374 poster

Episode 374 0.0

October 7, 2004

At the Honey Cave, GEORGE tells everyone that he used to have a shirt which made him look tall and handsome, but he los…

Episode 375 poster

Episode 375 0.0

October 8, 2004

ROGER meets SARAH many times with the excuse of playing ping-pong. He dates her to see the stars and presents her with …

Episode 376 poster

Episode 376 0.0

October 11, 2004

The KIMs are excited to learn that ROGER is in love with SARAH, but she avoids him. GEORGE shows up at the Honey Cave l…

Episode 377 poster

Episode 377 0.0

October 12, 2004

FRANCIS informs the others that GEORGE will bring his girlfriend to the Honey Cave. When GEORGE shows up with CHING YAN…

Episode 378 poster

Episode 378 0.0

October 13, 2004

FRANCIS and the others suspect that GEORGE is suicidal after his relationship with YAN ends. SARAH causes a long wait f…

Episode 379 poster

Episode 379 0.0

October 14, 2004

KELLY, MARCO and TODAY try every trick to acquire their favorite things. LAU KAM is delighted to learn that he has what…

Episode 380 poster

Episode 380 0.0

October 15, 2004

LAU KAM sees an old lady, KUK, leave something behind, so he chases after her. KUK thanks him for his kindness and sugg…

Episode 381 poster

Episode 381 0.0

October 18, 2004

LAU KAM originally thinks that having children is a good investment. However, he changes his mind when he sees how mode…

Episode 382 poster

Episode 382 0.0

October 19, 2004

LAU KAM knows that the winner of the quadrennial “South China Textile Design Talents Contest” will win $500,000. Unfort…

Episode 383 poster

Episode 383 0.0

October 20, 2004

LAU KAM is excited to join the “Superboy” competition. However, his family doesn’t share his enthusiasm. ROGER regrets …

Episode 384 poster

Episode 384 0.0

October 21, 2004

LILY and two other office ladies buy themselves a diamond ring, some roses and some chocolate. ATHENA makes fun of them…

Episode 385 poster

Episode 385 0.0

October 22, 2004

LILY and two other office ladies gossip about how ROGER glows with satisfaction lately. ATHENA overhears their conversa…

Episode 386 poster

Episode 386 0.0

October 25, 2004

ATHENA meets the KIMs at a night market. She ends up completely covered in soup. ROGER buys a medicinal tonic for his g…

Episode 387 poster

Episode 387 0.0

October 26, 2004

ATHENA approaches SARAH deliberately hoping to steal ROGER from her. Her colleagues have a meeting and conclude that AT…

Episode 388 poster

Episode 388 0.0

October 27, 2004

ATHENA fails to humiliate SARAH at the ball and her behavior ends up helping SARAH. LAU KAM waits for a chance to strik…

Episode 389 poster

Episode 389 0.0

October 28, 2004

ATHENA and ROGER fall into the swimming pool while they are struggling with each other. SARAH calls up ATHENA after bre…

Episode 390 poster

Episode 390 0.0

October 29, 2004

People in the office find out that ATHENA has been sending chocolate flowers to herself, and suspect that she is lying …

Episode 391 poster

Episode 391 0.0

November 1, 2004

ROGER announces that if the company is doing well by the end of the year, everyone will get a bonus. He passes two big …

Episode 392 poster

Episode 392 0.0

November 2, 2004

Rumours circulate that HO had a stroke while he was having sex. SHAN defends NAM. ROGER is chased out of HO’s room by h…

Episode 393 poster

Episode 393 0.0

November 3, 2004

NAM and GRACE’s business meeting falls through. ROGER points out that it is not NAM who is at fault, but her subordinat…

Episode 394 poster

Episode 394 0.0

November 4, 2004

KELLY finds out that she is carrying twins. The KIMs take good care of her. A TV commercial company invites her to act …

Episode 395 poster

Episode 395 0.0

November 5, 2004

KELLY and MARCO go up to the advertising company to find out why they played a trick on her. She lies about having a tu…

Episode 396 poster

Episode 396 0.0

November 8, 2004

KEI SUM blames KONG for bringing KELLY home and making the whole family suffer. LAU KAM takes MARCO to a sauna parlour …

Episode 397 poster

Episode 397 0.0

November 9, 2004

GUCCI blames the others for causing KELLY’s departure, so she forces everybody to apologise to KELLY. KEI SUM bumps int…

Episode 398 poster

Episode 398 0.0

November 10, 2004

PETER dresses up like Spiderman to propose to NAM, which scares her big client off. ROGER is very annoyed and awards th…

Episode 399 poster

Episode 399 0.0

November 11, 2004

NAM pays SHAN to become her secret contract boyfriend. Their colleagues notice that SHAN has suddenly become wealthy, a…

Episode 400 poster

Episode 400 0.0

November 12, 2004

SHAN and NAM deliberately pretend to be intimate in front of other people. GUCCI worries that NG SAU will break them up…

Episode 401 poster

Episode 401 0.0

November 15, 2004

ATHENA makes fun of NAM and SHAN’s fake relationship, much to NAM’s annoyance. SHAN is beaten up by NAM’s pursuers. The…

Episode 402 poster

Episode 402 0.0

November 16, 2004

LAU KAM accidentally deletes a contract from SHAN’s computer. SHAN plans to rewrite it in the office after school, but …

Episode 403 poster

Episode 403 0.0

November 17, 2004

NAM lists out many examples to prove that she is cursed, but SHAN insists that he will not give her up. MARCO and the o…

Episode 404 poster

Episode 404 0.0

November 18, 2004

ALEX suspects NAM and SHAN’s love relationship, so he hires private investigators to check it out. The KIMs force NG SA…

Episode 405 poster

Episode 405 0.0

November 19, 2004

The KIMs force SHAN and NAM to put on matching outfits, which annoys them. They try to cook together after work, but ne…

Episode 406 poster

Episode 406 0.0

November 22, 2004

ROGER says that SHAN and NAM look very suitable for each other, but she indicates that she will not consider SHAN at al…

Episode 407 poster

Episode 407 0.0

November 23, 2004

FRANCIS brings everyone, but TODAY, a present from his business trip, because she asked him not to bring back anything …

Episode 408 poster

Episode 408 0.0

November 24, 2004

SHAN finds out by chance that NAM lied to him about being cursed. Unfortunately, she still rejects him. TODAY arranges …

Episode 409 poster

Episode 409 0.0

November 25, 2004

MARCO and LAU KAM visit SHAN in Dongguan and find him drinking heavily. SHAN develops a skin rash soon after returning …

Episode 410 poster

Episode 410 0.0

November 26, 2004

SHAN swears that he will work hard to get back what he lost, which comforts NAM. ROGER finds a potential client and tel…

Episode 411 poster

Episode 411 0.0

November 29, 2004

LILY, SUGAR and GIGI agree to help SHAN to fight against MO, but when MO sends them presents, they turn around to prais…

Episode 412 poster

Episode 412 0.0

November 30, 2004

NAM receives a bottle of paper stars. Everyone thinks that it is from MO, but NAM tells SHAN that she knows it is from …

Episode 413 poster

Episode 413 0.0

December 1, 2004

SHAN and MO have a fight. SHAN finds out later that he has misunderstood him. GUCCI advises SHAN not to judge MO. SHAN …

Episode 414 poster

Episode 414 0.0

December 2, 2004

NAM tells the KIMs that she and MO are only business partners, which everyone doubts. GEORGE has very little work. He f…

Episode 415 poster

Episode 415 0.0

December 3, 2004

SARAH learns that GEORGE is preparing for an audition, so she volunteers to gather newspaper cuttings for him. She also…

Episode 416 poster

Episode 416 0.0

December 6, 2004

SARAH understands that she has to avoid seeing GEORGE for now she is ROGER’s girlfriend. She sees ROGER meeting a very …

Episode 417 poster

Episode 417 0.0

December 7, 2004

SARAH is bothered by the love triangle between GEORGE, ROGER and her. GEORGE decides to give up Hollywood and stays for…

Episode 418 poster

Episode 418 0.0

December 8, 2004

GUCCI and the others decide not to tell ROGER about SARAH and GEORGE’s relationship. ROGER suddenly returns from Shangh…

Episode 419 poster

Episode 419 0.0

December 9, 2004

KELLY shouts at MARCO in a restaurant. Everyone suspects that she is suffering from pre-natal depression. She has offen…

Episode 420 poster

Episode 420 0.0

December 10, 2004

KELLY has won the first prize in a lucky draw. Unfortunately, pregnant women are not qualified for the draw, much to KE…

Episode 421 poster

Episode 421 0.0

December 13, 2004

KELLY has given birth to twins. Everyone argues over how to name the babies. Finally, they are named KIM FOON and KIM H…

Episode 422 poster

Episode 422 0.0

December 14, 2004

LAU KAM has lost FOON by accident. He and KITTY want to find him by offering to change nappies for babies on the street…

Episode 423 poster

Episode 423 0.0

December 15, 2004

The KIMs receive a call from a woman saying that she can send the baby home if they pay her. They bring money to meet h…

Episode 424 poster

Episode 424 0.0

December 16, 2004

MARCO and KELLY have to meet a client, so they ask KITTY to take care of the babies. LAU KAM tells them how careless KI…

Episode 425 poster

Episode 425 0.0

December 17, 2004

KITTY tells LAU KAM that she is too old to have a baby, much to his delight. He has lots of grey hair and is laughed at…

Episode 426 poster

Episode 426 0.0

December 20, 2004

LAU KAM has BOON YAT SIN’s consent to try to trick KITTY to agree on having a child with him, but their plot fails. She…

Episode 427 poster

Episode 427 0.0

December 21, 2004

LAU KAM tries to visit KITTY, but is sent home. He dresses up to go to work and pretends that he has a date. He also ar…

Episode 428 poster

Episode 428 0.0

December 22, 2004

GUCCI and the others decide to help LAU KAM to get KITTY back. He plays the piano for her, but is found out playing a t…

Episode 429 poster

Episode 429 0.0

December 23, 2004

SARAH finds her egg tarts are stolen. Everyone thinks that TAI TSUN and HELENA did it. The next day, the thief shows up…

Episode 430 poster

Episode 430 0.0

December 24, 2004

GUCCI wants to have a family gathering, but the KIMs have already had their own plans. LAU KAM swears that he will find…

Episode 431 poster

Episode 431 0.0

December 27, 2004

The man is called UNCLE SUEN. He notices that GUCCI has a backache, so he teaches her tai chi and she teaches him danci…

Episode 432 poster

Episode 432 0.0

December 28, 2004

Some triads show up at where TODAY and GEORGE are filming. SUEN appears to settle the event. The news reports that the …

Episode 433 poster

Episode 433 0.0

December 29, 2004

GUCCI destroys the presents that SUEN has given her before. She insists not to be his girlfriend. SUEN chases after her…

Episode 434 poster

Episode 434 0.0

December 30, 2004

NAM suddenly remembers that she is nearly 28, so she asks TODAY out and hands her all her stock shares. TODAY laughs at…

Episode 435 poster

Episode 435 0.0

December 31, 2004

NG SAU tries to locate his colleague “Prop CHAN”, wishing that he will pay him back. NAM tries to take him home, but fa…

Episode 436 poster

Episode 436 0.0

January 3, 2005

GUCCI mentions about SHAN. NAM doesn’t reply. ROGER has a big contract, but the client insists that NAM to meet him. It…

Episode 437 poster

Episode 437 0.0

January 4, 2005

MO tries to sell his company. SHAN is interested, but MO turns him down. SHAN is not satisfied with NAM’s proposal, so …

Episode 438 poster

Episode 438 0.0

January 5, 2005

SHAN and NAM turn their back to each other. GUCCI tries to test NAM’s feeling for SHAN by setting up a road side funera…

Episode 439 poster

Episode 439 0.0

January 6, 2005

The KIMs visit SZE MAN’s grave. TODAY takes the chance to scold SHAN for being ungrateful. NAM prepares some informatio…

Episode 440 poster

Episode 440 0.0

January 7, 2005

SHAN finds out that NAM has a terminal disease, so he looks everywhere for her. Meanwhile, the KIMs try every way to de…

Episode 441 poster

Episode 441 0.0

January 10, 2005

NAM and SHAN are delighted to find that her father is someone else, so she has not inherited the family disease. GUCCI …

Episode 442 poster

Episode 442 0.0

January 11, 2005

SHAN loses consciousness and is sent to the hospital. NAM and VIVIAN want to visit him, but are sent back by the KIMs. …

Episode 443 poster

Episode 443 0.0

January 12, 2005

The KIMs learn from the news that TO’s car has crashed and caught fire, but the driver is no where to be seen. The KIMs…

Episode 444 poster

Episode 444 0.0

January 13, 2005