Season 1 poster

Season 1



Episode 1 poster

Episode 1 0.0

January 1, 2008

KWO PIK, editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine “Elva”, attends the funeral of a famous fashion designer. Celebrity HE…

Episode 2 poster

Episode 2 0.0

January 2, 2008

PIK is sent to the hospital after the incident. MAN brings her soup in order to apologize but PIK doesn’t want to talk …

Episode 3 poster

Episode 3 0.0

January 3, 2008

BO BO reports to PIK that MAN and TAK are in love with each other. PIK asks BO to threaten MAN with some muscular guys.…

Episode 4 poster

Episode 4 0.0

January 4, 2008

After marrying TAK, MAN becomes a full-time housewife. She tries to prepare dinner for the family but everybody gets a …

Episode 5 poster

Episode 5 0.0

January 7, 2008

MAN doesn’t dress properly at home and this embarrasses PIK. PIK scolds BO for not keeping an eye on MAN. TAK brings MA…

Episode 6 poster

Episode 6 0.0

January 8, 2008

PIK recalls the memory of the past after meeting FAN and she is determined to fire him. BO suddenly blames FAN for sexu…

Episode 7 poster

Episode 7 0.0

January 9, 2008

MAN learns that BO is an orphan and it was PIK who has been sponsoring her all the way through. MAN’s attitude towards …

Episode 8 poster

Episode 8 0.0

January 10, 2008

PIK asks BO to attend a Shanghai fashion show on behalf of her. Everybody believes that BO is going to become the succe…

Episode 9 poster

Episode 9 0.0

January 11, 2008

MAN accidentally damages VIENNA’s clothes when interviewing her and also meets a woman called CHI KIU at the same time.…

Episode 10 poster

Episode 10 0.0

January 14, 2008

FAN makes the restaurant into a mess and MA loses interest on him completely. PIK is not discouraged at all and she tri…

Episode 11 poster

Episode 11 0.0

January 15, 2008

Encouraged by PIK, FAN decides to start a new life and he asks TAK to find a new home for him. MAN is suspicious on FIO…

Episode 12 poster

Episode 12 0.0

January 16, 2008

MA announces in a meeting that MARK will join Elva’s team. PIK and TAK are not happy about this. BO discovers that PIK …

Episode 13 poster

Episode 13 0.0

January 17, 2008

PIK’s real identity is revealed and TAK is unhappy for his mother has deceived him. PIK reveals that BO’s sister was ac…

Episode 14 poster

Episode 14 0.0

January 18, 2008

MAN is upset for TAK has resigned to work for KIU. PIK asks KIU out secretly and she reminds KIU not to interfere in TA…

Episode 15 poster

Episode 15 0.0

January 21, 2008

TAK runs away. PIK reveals her true thinking to MAN and MAN is heart-broken. MARK continues to promote MAN so as to gai…

Episode 16 poster

Episode 16 0.0

January 22, 2008

MAN learns that TAK has been dating with KIU secretly. She is shocked and proposes a divorce impulsively. MAN goes to S…

Episode 17 poster

Episode 17 0.0

January 23, 2008

MAN is caught between MARK and all other staffs after becoming the editor-in-chief. BO suggests MAN to follow PIK’s man…

Episode 18 poster

Episode 18 0.0

January 24, 2008

PIK visits the elderly center again and her attitude has improved a lot. FAN declares his love to PIK but PIK wants him…

Episode 19 poster

Episode 19 0.0

January 25, 2008

MAN joins together with all staffs to fight for the right of the team. However, she realizes that KIU has convinced MAR…

Episode 20 poster

Episode 20 0.0

January 28, 2008

MAN needs to call back all the magazines and she is very depressed. CHEUNG has been dating with BO for some time and he…