Welcome to New York is a television sitcom that aired on CBS. The show starred Jim Gaffigan, who played a weatherman from Fort Wayne, Indiana, who then moved to New York and worked as a meteorologist for fictional morning news show called "AM New York". Christine Baranski played Marsha Bickner, the larger-than-life, tightly-wound producer of "AM New York" who hired Jim, but tends to forget the details about his life - like where he moved from. The show premiered October 11, 2000 and aired until January 17, 2001. CBS canceled the show due to low ratings.
Christine Baranski
as Marsha Bickner
Jim Gaffigan
as Jim Gaffigan
Anthony DeSando
as Vince Verbena
Mary Birdsong
as Connie
Sara Gilbert
as Amy Manning
Rocky Carroll
as Adrian Spencer