Season 1 poster

Season 1



Episode 1 poster

Episode 1 0.0

November 27, 1989

The Chief, KAR WAI YAN, and TSUI WONG TSOI band together to deceive the villagers of Tze Hui and control the political …

Episode 2 poster

Episode 2 0.0

November 28, 1989

LUNG leads his followers to rob TSOI on his birthday and catch TSOI and SIU MAN. By that time, PAK SIU NA takes the bea…

Episode 3 poster

Episode 3 0.0

November 29, 1989

HO TAL OAI has worked in FA KI for a long time. He returns to the Village of Tze Hui with his son, SHEUNG KA and his ad…

Episode 4 poster

Episode 4 0.0

November 30, 1989

OAI goes to find TSOI and asks him to explain for the past. However, TSOI refuses everything and they thus argue with o…

Episode 5 poster

Episode 5 0.0

December 1, 1989

KA loves NA and wants to get near her. However, this still cannot touch her heart. Later, he is taught by DAI LONG and …

Episode 6 poster

Episode 6 0.0

December 4, 1989

KIN loves NA's beauty very much. He even asks LONG to help him to rape NA. Luckily, this is discovered by SAI. Na can t…

Episode 7 poster

Episode 7 0.0

December 5, 1989

CHING CHING loves SAI's handsome and takes the initiative to love him. She even asks her followers to hit SAI and prete…

Episode 8 poster

Episode 8 0.0

December 6, 1989

TSOI knows that SAI has arranged a meeting with CHING and goes home immediately. At that time, YAN and MAN are having t…

Episode 9 poster

Episode 9 0.0

December 7, 1989

OAI wants to solve the problem but in turn he is forced out by Mother PAK. DAI becomes homeless and has to live in Nga…

Episode 10 poster

Episode 10 0.0

December 8, 1989

Encouraged by SAI, FU finally dares express his love towards MUI. However, when he reaches Ngai Heung Yuen, he finds th…

Episode 11 poster

Episode 11 0.0

December 11, 1989

CHINS takes the initiative to request for the marriage with SAL. However, SAL declares that he does not love her sudden…

Episode 12 poster

Episode 12 0.0

December 12, 1989

TSOI and VAN are afraid that once the villagers are being educated, they can no long control them. Therefore, he declar…

Episode 13 poster

Episode 13 0.0

December 13, 1989

TSOI forces FONG to toady the special investigator in order to gain his support. He even sends people to lead SAI and N…

Episode 14 poster

Episode 14 0.0

December 14, 1989

NA is very contradicted between SAI and KA. LONG knows that and persuades her to make her decision quickly in order to…

Episode 15 poster

Episode 15 0.0

December 15, 1989

After TSOI knows that, originally, he wants to disclose it to the public. However, YAN makes use of his evil deeds to f…

Episode 16 poster

Episode 16 0.0

December 18, 1989

After CHING has left home, TSOI decides to let FU manage all his business. However, FU is not good at business, feeling…

Episode 17 poster

Episode 17 0.0

December 19, 1989

TSOI knows that FU has close relationship with MUI and asks FU not to take it so seriously and refuses to let MUI get i…

Episode 18 poster

Episode 18 0.0

December 20, 1989

In fact, KWAN and DAI have been lovers for a long time. When DAI went to FA KI, KWAN found that she had already been pr…

Episode 19 poster

Episode 19 0.0

December 21, 1989

However, They then The robber, SINGLE EVE LUNG, requests for money from the Village of Tze Hui. DAI co-operates with t…

Episode 20 poster

Episode 20 0.0

December 22, 1989

KIN's being LUNG's spy is discovered by the villagers and he is enclosed by them. KIN can flee away and really goes to …