Avatar the Last Airbender official wallpaper
Avatar the Last Airbender poster

Avatar the Last Airbender



Although I gave the show **8 stars**, it's more like **7.5 stars**. I like the show, but it would have been considered a pretty good show if I didn't have any prior knowledge about the original show. However, with my prior knowledge, **I see it as a good show, but not pretty good**. They did a decent job adapting the original show, but I hope that in season 2, they make it a bit more aligned with…

**Who are the writer??** Those who grew up with the memories of the original animation series, here is a bad news for you. This live action is an absolute abomination! It had a promising start, and the first 3 episodes were enjoyable. Eventually, the new writers’ plague took over and turned everything into a mess. They literally changed the original story and made it to deliver “the messa…

A live action movie cannot create 1:1 replication of each small moments of the animated series. Nevertheless a good try.

Truly an attempt. but beating the look of the worst movie of all time isn't a big achievement. The appearance and action of this show is nearly perfect, but the writing and plot leave so much to be desired that I can't help but wonder why anyone would watch this instead of the perfection of the original cartoon. It's almost hard to sit through knowing how each impactful scene will be mangled by t…

Why remake perfection? The original show was perfect and has aged well, just make a different story in the same universe and step out of Aang's shadow. They spend most of the show telling us what happens instead of just remaking the beautiful scenes from the original show, so distasteful.

Never seen original show (as I understand this is a remake) and never seen cartoon, but I started watching this on Netflix and I can say only good things about this show. No woke propaganda, no BS and it's very enjoyable to watch it. Watched first season already and I love it. Can't wait for the rest seasons to come out...