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Cobra Kai



I watched the whole first season. I loved it. Good drama and story line. I cant wait for season 2 to see how this story continues.

I didn't have many expectations going into this show, or at least, I didn't have high expectations. The ones I did have were that of a fun low budget trip down memory lane. But this is so much more than that. The production values are great, the casting is great, the plot, the writing, the tone, the pacing, acting, soundtrack. It's all great start to finish and it has what Mr. Miyagi taught us, b…

Quite bad. The fact that this is getting so much attention at the moment seems crazy to me. I've watched the first two seasons (with my GF) and I have to say that this whole thing is pretty embarrassing. I kind of enjoyed the first few episodes, because I thought it was being very tongue in cheek, but as the show progressed I started to realise it's just a bit shit. Shame.

I was a little nervous when the show first aired, but after watching the first season I got hooked...! It had some laughs and plenty of action. It was gritty in comparison to the film sequel. Series 2 started drawing the sand lines, so to speak, as we see there is no right or wrong, but a grey area. Then season 3 got even better! And the final episode...I was in awe! The two epic fight scenes;…

I didn't set out to watch Cobra Kai. In fact, my first reaction upon seeing the trailer for season one was to "cringe". It came across as a bad modern teen soap opera, that had hitched a ride with much older, martial arts franchise, from the 80's. Since then, I've been glad to have been proven "partly" wrong. Yes, it is a teen soap opera but enough of the original 80's Karate Kid films essenc…

This is another one of the shows I left IMDb over. I logged in, gave it a check, and all the reviews above 5 stars were gone. They don't want people to like it... ... and I understand why, Cobra Kai breaks all the rules. It respects the IP, and you aren't supposed to do that any longer. It respects the fans, and you can't do that either. Both of those are huge No-nos in present day Holl…