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Crash Course World Mythology poster

Crash Course World Mythology

    • 2 /10

    • 1



    In 41 episodes, Mike Rugnetta will teach you world mythology!



    • Ended

    First Aired Date

    • February 24, 2017

    Last Aired Date

    • January 28, 2018

    Production Companies

    • Complexly

    • PBS Digital Studios


    • Scripted

    Number of Season

    • 1

    Number of Episodes

    • 41




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    1 poster

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    World Mythology

    2017|41 Episodes

    In 41 episodes, Mike Rugnetta will teach you world mythology! This course is based on introductory college-level curriculum spanning mythologies around the globe. By the end of this course, you will be able to: *Define myth and decide what elements distinguish it from other narrative forms *Connect myths around the world and identify how different cultures sought answers to similar big questions *Use myths to understand past civilizations, like by recognizing their core values *Identify how the staying power of myths influence our beliefs and cultures today, like in our language

    View All Seasons

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