World Mythology poster

World Mythology



In 41 episodes, Mike Rugnetta will teach you world mythology! This course is based on introductory college-level curriculum spanning mythologies around the globe. By the end of this course, you will be able to: *Define myth and decide what elements distinguish it from other narrative forms *Connect myths around the world and identify how different cultures sought answers to similar big questions *Use myths to understand past civilizations, like by recognizing their core values *Identify how…


Mike Rugnetta as Host
Mike Rugnetta

as Host


What Is Myth? poster

What Is Myth? 0.0

February 24, 2017

Welcome to Crash Course World Mythology, our latest adventure (and this series may be literally adventurous) in educati…

Creation from the Void poster

Creation from the Void 0.0

March 3, 2017

Today on Crash Course Mythology we’re starting in on creation stories. This week, we’ll focus on the creation of the un…

Cosmic Sexy Time, Eggs, Seeds, and Water poster

Cosmic Sexy Time, Eggs, Seeds, and Water 0.0

March 11, 2017

In which Mike teaches you about the creation of the universe, with sex. This week we're talking about creations stories…

Earth Mothers and Rebellious Sons poster

Earth Mothers and Rebellious Sons 0.0

March 17, 2017

So, we’re still talking about sex this week, but we’re talking about Earth Mothers and their children. We'll start with…

Social Orders and Creation Stories poster

Social Orders and Creation Stories 0.0

March 25, 2017

In which Mike Rugnetta sits you down for a little talk about myth as a way to construct or reinforce social orders. Spe…

Humans and Nature and Creation poster

Humans and Nature and Creation 0.0

March 31, 2017

In which Mike Rugnetta brings you the final installation of our unit on creation myths. This week, we're talking about …

Pantheons of the Ancient Mediterranean poster

Pantheons of the Ancient Mediterranean 0.0

April 7, 2017

In which Mike Rugnetta begins our unit on pantheons, which are families of gods. We further define pantheons and talk a…

Indian Pantheons poster

Indian Pantheons 0.0

April 14, 2017

In which Mike Rugnetta continues our unit on pantheons with the complex Indian pantheon, focusing on stories that were …

The Greeks and Romans - Pantheons Part 3 poster

The Greeks and Romans - Pantheons Part 3 0.0

April 22, 2017

This week, we continue our look at various Pantheons, and Mike digs deep into the gods of the ancient Greeks. We're tal…

The Norse Pantheon poster

The Norse Pantheon 0.0

April 30, 2017

This week, we're headed north. To check out the gods of the Northmen. Or the Norse. That's right, we're talking Thor, L…

African Pantheons and the Orishas poster

African Pantheons and the Orishas 0.0

May 12, 2017

So, today we’re talking about African Pantheons. Now, you might say, that’s ridiculous. Africa isn’t a single place wit…

Theories of Myth poster

Theories of Myth 0.0

May 21, 2017

This week, we're talking about theories of Myth. We'll look at the different ways mythology has been studied in the las…

Great Goddesses poster

Great Goddesses 0.0

May 28, 2017

This week on Crash Course Mythology, we're talking archetypes. Specifically, we're talking about archetypes as they're …

Fire and Buffalo Goddesses poster

Fire and Buffalo Goddesses 0.0

June 2, 2017

This week, we’re continuing our talk about the characteristics of Goddesses, and we’re going to look in depth at two st…

Archetypes and Male Divinities poster

Archetypes and Male Divinities 0.0

June 9, 2017

This week on Crash Course Mythology, Mike is teaching you about the archetypes that are often associated with male divi…

Floods in the Ancient Near East poster

Floods in the Ancient Near East 0.0

June 16, 2017

This week on Crash Course Mythology, Mike is talking to you about floods. You may have heard the story of Noah and the …

Yu the Engineer and Flood Stories from China poster

Yu the Engineer and Flood Stories from China 0.0

July 1, 2017

On this Crash Course in World Mythology, Mike Rugnetta is teaching you about floods and deluges, specifically in China.…

American Floods poster

American Floods 0.0

July 9, 2017

We don’t want to deluge you with information on the subject, but this week on Crash Course Mythology, Mike Rugnetta is …

The Dying God poster

The Dying God 0.0

July 14, 2017

This week on Crash Course World Mythology, it's the Circle of Life. And Death. And sometimes, Life again. Mike Rugnetta…

Tricksters: An Introduction poster

Tricksters: An Introduction 0.0

July 21, 2017

This week, Mike introduces you to Tricksters, starting with Anansi, the West African trickster god who is also sometime…

Hermes and Loki: Tricksters Part 2 poster

Hermes and Loki: Tricksters Part 2 0.0

August 6, 2017

In which Mike Rugnetta continues to teach you about tricksters. In this episode, we're talking about tricksters as cult…

Coyote and Raven, American Tricksters poster

Coyote and Raven, American Tricksters 0.0

August 12, 2017

Mike Rugnetta continues to teach you about Tricksters in myth, and this time we're headed to the Americas. Coyote and R…

The Apocalypse poster

The Apocalypse 0.0

August 18, 2017

Mike Rugnetta is going to tell you stories of death, destruction, divine judgment, damnation, and the occasional happy …

Ragnarok poster

Ragnarok 0.0

August 26, 2017

Ragnarok! It's the end of the world, Norse style. It's got everything you want in an apocalypse. Earthquakes, destructi…

The Hero's Journey and the Monomyth poster

The Hero's Journey and the Monomyth 0.0

September 2, 2017

Let's get Heroic with Mike Rugnetta. This week on Crash Course World Mythology, we're talking about the Hero's Journey …

The Epic of Gilgamesh poster

The Epic of Gilgamesh 0.0

September 8, 2017

This week, we're continuing our discussion of heroes by talking about Gilgamesh, star of one of the earliest written he…

Rama and the Ramayana poster

Rama and the Ramayana 0.0

September 22, 2017

The next entry in our parade of heroes is Rama, the protagonist of the Ramayana, one of India’s oldest stories. We’re g…

Galahad, Perceval, and the Holy Grail poster

Galahad, Perceval, and the Holy Grail 0.0

September 29, 2017

In which Mike Rugnetta quests for knowledge of the Holy Grail of Mythology. Which is the actual, literal Holy Grail! Th…

The Mwindo Epic poster

The Mwindo Epic 0.0

October 7, 2017

In which Mike Rugnetta teaches you about the hero of The Congo, Mwindo! Mike will tell you the stories of Mwindo's birt…

Herakles. Or Hercules. A Problematic Hero poster

Herakles. Or Hercules. A Problematic Hero 0.0

October 14, 2017

This week, Mike Rugnetta re-introduces Herakles, the strong man of Greek and Roman myth. Strongman with a darkside, tha…

Ma'ui, Oceania's Hero poster

Ma'ui, Oceania's Hero 0.0

October 22, 2017

In which Mike Rugnetta teaches you about Ma'ui, prominent hero of many cultures in Oceania, aka the Pacific Island nati…

Mythical Caves and Gardens poster

Mythical Caves and Gardens 0.0

October 29, 2017

This week, Mike Rugnetta is teaching you about mythical gardens and caves, which appear in cultures all over the world.…

Mythical Mountains poster

Mythical Mountains 0.0

November 5, 2017

Our mythical places series continues, and this week Mike Rugnetta is talking about some stories that revolve around mou…

Mythical Trees poster

Mythical Trees 0.0

November 12, 2017

This week on CC Myth, Mike Rugnetta is teaching you about mythical trees. There are lots of trees in myth, and we've to…

Cities of Myth poster

Cities of Myth 0.0

November 18, 2017

This week on Crash Course Mythology, we're getting urban. Mike Rugnetta is the man with the orange umbrella who's about…

Monsters. They're Us, Man poster

Monsters. They're Us, Man 0.0

December 1, 2017

This week, we're starting our discussion of Mythical Creatures with the WORST creatures. Monsters. What makes a monster…

Mythical Horses poster

Mythical Horses 0.0

December 17, 2017

Horses have been human companions for thousands of years, and have been essential companions and tools for the developm…

Serpents and Dragons poster

Serpents and Dragons 0.0

December 22, 2017

This week, Mike is teaching you about the most mythic of mythological creatures: Dragons. Cultures across the world (an…

Witches and Hags poster

Witches and Hags 0.0

January 12, 2018

In which Mike Rugnetta teaches you about the stories we tell about witches and hags. It's definitely unfortunate that a…

Freud, Jung, Luke Skywalker, and the Psychology of Myth poster

Freud, Jung, Luke Skywalker, and the Psychology of Myth 0.0

January 19, 2018

In which Mike Rugnetta teaches you about Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, and how a lot of their work was influenced by myt…

Mythical Language and Idiom poster

Mythical Language and Idiom 0.0

January 28, 2018

It's the end of the world, everybody. Well, it's the end of our mythology series, anyway. This week, we're talking abou…