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Eerie, Indiana



I was 9/10 years old when this very original show was on and I was hooked on the first episode. The show featured some bizarre moments (On the pilot alone you had two adults being preserved as children by sleeping inside a giant Tupperware)but always kept things kid friendly. Simon and Marshall were a bit the kid's answer to Mulder and Scully and their world was like Twin Peaks.People in every co…

Yeah, they couldn't make this today could they? There were scenes that were actually spooky, things that legitimately creeped me out as a kid, and, honestly, that's why I watched it then. And, honestly, now that I am a middle-aged man, it's fun to revisit because it's campy and fun, and you can still see the parts that would give the little kid in you goose-pimples. And, it offered a great …