Have Gun, Will Travel official wallpaper
Have Gun, Will Travel poster

Have Gun, Will Travel



GUNMAN WHO PLAYS GOD Richard Boone stars as Palladin, the gunman with a card saying "Have Gun, Will Travel". In the days when this was made, he was seen as a forward thinking liberal gunman, even into the sixties and seventies, and especially today. It was like most TV series in that all the corrupt people were white males, and especially so in this one. A lot of people today don't realize thi…

Have Gun, Will Travel offers, in the character of Paladin, a protagonist who was atypical amongst the lineup of 1950's western drama heroes. He was the erudite gunslinger, the gentleman-bounty hunter, the fixer of situations gone bad and a constrained vigilante. Contrary to what has been written in another review, Paladin didn't seek to play "god"; however, his line of work may have required that…