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The Wheel of Time



This is a Fantasy show... I love fantasy, but this show is horrible. Very boring... predictable with no likable characters. Only two are ok; Mat and Lan... the rest I just can't stand them..... Moiraine with her silent mysterious brooding.... Nynaeve always with that angry look in her face.... Perrin and his always feeling guilty face and the way he moves and talks like he is mentally stunted....…

If you've never read the books, it's a mediocre fantasy series which jumps left and right, is confusing and difficult to follow. 6/10. If you have read the books, it's a horrible disgrace of an adaptation, molesting every good thing in the books and repurposing it for some cheap thrills. 2/10. At the start of every episode it says "based of The Wheel of Time". It should say "Very loosely based …