A South African, Afrikaans-language television drama series which revolves around three well-known Boland fruit farming families - the De Bruyns, the Roberts' and the Van Rhijns - and the people who are drawn into their disasters, quarrels and scandals.
Nico Panagio
as Jacques de Bruyn
Sophia Passerini
as Hannah de Bruyn
Christian Kain
as Connie de Bruyn
Stian Bam
as Hugo de Bruyn
Marko van der Colff
as Markus van Rhijn
Michele Burgers
as Emma van Rhijn
Jana Fischer
as Monique van Rhijn
André Rossouw
as Boykie Roberts
Lida Botha
as Ta' Effie Roberts
Tinarie Van Wyk-Loots
as Beulah Roberts